Lvl 28
mario6630 3 years ago
Barbie plastic live
Lvl 15
beauty77 3 years ago
possible but also let's remember that some women with superior genetics from certain parts of the world, like eastern europe, baltic countries/former yugoslavian republics/central asian/mediterranean...look like this naturally from their teenage years onwards...they have unbelievable genetics..I've personally dated some women from these places that look similar to that or better and they came from poor families and had no money for any plastic surgery and based on the pictures they showed me of when they were like 15 or so..they've always looked that way with no plastic surgery or makeup....their DNA coding is beyond amazing..huge boobs, perfect nipples and aereolas..perfect faces and eyes, perfect skin...tiny waists...perfect legs and bubble butt or apple bottoms....
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Published 3 years ago
Uploaded by The_Sentinel
Dimensions 750 925
Category Non-Nude Babes
Views 959
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