[Deleted] 13 years ago
I like her, she´s definitely not just a Playboy girl, she´s more!
[Deleted] 14 years ago
She's so gorgeous. And I don't know what Wohali's pissing and moaning about. Get over it.

And those boobs have no silicone, BTW.
Lvl 26
insertusernamehere 15 years ago
they all look stuck up!
Lvl 19
wohali 15 years ago
A lot of different kind of girls strut their stuff on WBW. What I don't understand is why these plastic fantastic Barbie types, with peroxide hair,heavy makeup, pink lipstick,oversized silicone boobs and tanning bed tans almost never show anything. I expect they think we must pay for it as they all seem to think they be the next Playboy playmate.
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by tcobb36
Dimensions 594 800
Category Non-Nude Babes
Views 1146
Comments 4