[Deleted] 17 years ago
What they need is a real man to make them squeal, not the metrosexuals* they're used to encountering.

* The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis – because that's where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference. Particular professions, such as modeling, waiting tables, media, pop music and, nowadays, sport, seem to attract them but, truth be told, like male vanity products and herpes, they're pretty much everywhere.For some time now, old-fashioned (re)productive, repressed, unmoisturized heterosexuality has been given the pink slip by consumer capitalism. The stoic, self-denying, modest straight male didn't shop enough (his role was to earn money for his wife to spend), and so he had to be replaced by a new kind of man, one less certain of his identity and much more interested in his image – that's to say, one who was much more interested in being looked at (because that's the only way you can be certain you actually exist). A man, in other words, who is an advertiser's walking wet dream. (Wikipedia)

Lvl 23
randomfan 17 years ago
ah, the complications of the strap on
Lvl 3
Timmay321 17 years ago
great ta c a chic takin on anutha
Lvl 14
valgg 16 years ago
the comment above made me laugh..no wonder i like girls better
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Published 17 years ago
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