Lvl 59
Slacker28 5 months ago
Lets fuck baby
Lvl 20
1dave100 5 years ago
Originally posted by Goodfuck
Damn hot lips

Both sets.
Lvl 47
expat2011 5 years ago
Originally posted by moss
Her age, she needs to let some pubic hair grow

No. But probably not for the reason you're thinking of.

The reason she probably will never let it grow back is that SOME of it will be black/brown/whatever, but SOME of it will be gray/white. And that is NOT the look she's going for. And that's why she's not even going to allow a "landing-strip".

Hopefully, she's done the laser-removal and never has to think about it again. Trust me ladies, get as much of it removed AS EARLY in your life as you can afford it (or get HIM to afford it!) INCLUDING your legs. So much more hygienic and think of the thousands of hours (and $$$$) that you'll save.
Lvl 11
DMOON32 5 years ago
Absolutely fabulous milf
Lvl 61
A.Wuerzburg 5 years ago
I will nor be able to walk properly for days when this hot vixen will be done with me!
robert98597, doolittle find this awesome.
[Deleted] 5 years ago
Sweet looking milf.
Lvl 26
moss 5 years ago
Her age, she needs to let some pubic hair grow
A.Wuerzburg, tyzon69, doolittle find this awesome.
Lvl 63
robert98597 5 years ago
Mommy can still get the wrinkles out
A.Wuerzburg, tyzon69, doolittle, expat2011 find this awesome.
Lvl 19
Goodfuck 5 years ago
Damn hot lips
Nard187, robert98597, expat2011 find this awesome.
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Published 5 years ago
Uploaded by Morella66
Dimensions 1009 1600
Category Naked Babes
Views 3755
Comments 9