Lvl 67
AJ100 8 years ago
Beautiful spread hon
avalon888, mikeyeven find this awesome.
Lvl 48
avalon888 8 years ago
some don't like to trim around the dangly bits in case they lop something important off.
mikeyeven finds this awesome.
Lvl 47
expat2011 8 years ago
She looks awesome! But what's up with those pubes? Did she shave them that way, keeping them long around the "dining-area"? Did they grow that way? Did she shave it a while ago and they just grew back like that?

Whatever, just curious, still think she's hot.
avalon888, mikeyeven find this awesome.
Lvl 31
horndawgie 8 years ago
Go ahead, sit on my face baby
dlks, avalon888, AJ100, mikeyeven find this awesome.
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Published 8 years ago
Uploaded by [Deleted]
Dimensions 852 1260
Category Naked Babes
Views 2274
Comments 4