Lvl 34
11lurch11 5 years ago
i bet she'd give you a great fuck!!!
doolittle finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
roddyrandle 7 years ago
You really have to be all in on that
11lurch11 finds this awesome.
Lvl 112
doolittle 10 years ago
i'd be on that quicker than a duck on a june bug
11lurch11 finds this awesome.
Lvl 9
jerryseagrahm 10 years ago
[reply=expat2011]Um, no, she's still fat, regardless of how big your dick is.
The difference is, if you have a big dick, you shouldn't waste it on the fatties
I totally agree she is just not what this boy wants at all
[Deleted] 10 years ago
To much ham for two small egg's
Lvl 26
moss 10 years ago
Originally posted by expat2011
Um, no, she's still fat, regardless of how big your dick is.
The difference is, if you have a big dick, you shouldn't waste it on the fatties.

Oh, and BTW, she totally screwed-up the shaving. Yeah, she cleared the forest but left all that fur around her lips. NOT "Good Eats".

Well Said!!
Lvl 48
avalon888 10 years ago
she couldn't see to get down under ,think that's why shes missed some on the shave.
moss, doolittle find this awesome.
Lvl 47
expat2011 10 years ago
Um, no, she's still fat, regardless of how big your dick is.
The difference is, if you have a big dick, you shouldn't waste it on the fatties.

Oh, and BTW, she totally screwed-up the shaving. Yeah, she cleared the forest but left all that fur around her lips. NOT "Good Eats".
moss, jerryseagrahm, Crossgenesis find this awesome.
[Deleted] 10 years ago
Originally posted by moss
Way too FAT.....Gag!!!!

Only if you have a small penis
Lvl 26
moss 10 years ago
Way too FAT.....Gag!!!!
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Published 10 years ago
Uploaded by genericAlias
Dimensions 1273 955
Category Naked Babes
Views 2038
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