Lvl 11
OrangeGuy 15 years ago
You VIRGINAL guys are such full of crap. That's a fine looking woman. I'll bet between the four of you guys who have commented, you've had sex once (not counting your right hand, or with each other). As a college student of the 70's, I stopped counting at 100. Unlike you, I know of what I speak. This rating is apalling. She is an "8"... which is about the cumulative "score" you'll have over the next 5-10 years.
avalon888 finds this awesome.
Lvl 13
NiteWolf 15 years ago
To bad we can't remove points
Lvl 23
Valqueau 15 years ago
I weep.
Lvl 13
NiteWolf 15 years ago
This pic is just plain wrong.
Dogtrack finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
Formetono 15 years ago
Turn over a rock, you don't know what you'll find.
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by HotMomDorothee
Dimensions 543 1110
Category Naked Babes
Views 1911
Comments 5