[Deleted] 13 years ago
Originally posted by Sugarpie

The reason its posted in "sexy babes" is because of how we categorize pictures, not that its open to interpretation.

Cute babes - Clothed pictures
Sexy babes - Lingerie or swimsuit pics, but not nude
Topless - Showing boobies, but not cooter
Bottomless - Showing cooter, but not boobies
Naked - Showing everything
Flashing - Public exposure of bits and pieces
Tight Asses - Clothed or nude pics that focus on the ass...whether its tight or not

There's more, but those are the common ones.

Maybe we need a new category called "Terrestrial Whales" for the "Boys" who want that type...
Lvl 26
mrmosh 13 years ago
no thanks... you can have her
Lvl 18
Lovesbutt 13 years ago
for having what it takes to post a nude pic of yourself...........I'd do you
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 13 years ago
Clear evidence that "SEXY BABES" (the name of this gallery) is wideopen to interpretation...
I've seen much 'worse' an' I would definitely take a pass in this case...can't really find anything sexy about this one.
It doesn't take much nerve to post a nude pic of oneself (if that's what this person did - she may not have any idea that her pic HAS been posted on the internet)...all you have to do is just take a gander at what's out there now...
I'm just sayin'...

'Kick backan' have a great weekend, everyone...

p.s. If you want to see a boatload of really sexy babes, check out the uploads of this pic's poster - Regina117 - quite awesome!
[Deleted] 13 years ago
The reason its posted in "sexy babes" is because of how we categorize pictures, not that its open to interpretation.

Cute babes - Clothed pictures
Sexy babes - Lingerie or swimsuit pics, but not nude
Topless - Showing boobies, but not cooter
Bottomless - Showing cooter, but not boobies
Naked - Showing everything
Flashing - Public exposure of bits and pieces
Tight Asses - Clothed or nude pics that focus on the ass...whether its tight or not

There's more, but those are the common ones.
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Published 13 years ago
Uploaded by Regina117
Dimensions 450 600
Category Lingerie Babes
Views 909
Comments 5
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