[Deleted] 15 years ago
Originally posted by jtoshawa

I would have given her a 10, but it looks like she has one of those idiotic piercings in her lip......so...I'll give her a zero....

Blah. Thanks for letting us know you're petty.

I bet she still knows she's pretty damn hot.
[Deleted] 15 years ago
I'm liking the thong.
Lvl 12
Kornbread82 15 years ago
That looks like my roommates girlfriend...
Lvl 8
glguy 15 years ago
I would have given her a 10, but it looks like she has one of those idiotic piercings in her lip......so...I'll give her a zero....
Lvl 27
911Porsche 15 years ago
Sexy Babe,Sexy Body!!
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by thatguyl6
Dimensions 600 800
Category Lingerie Babes
Views 3102
Comments 5