Lvl 23
pamattie 2 years ago
Looks like the black guy in the background is surveying the white ladies to figure out which one he is going to have sex with first. Looks like he has already been approached by one white girl. That's all they have to do in the Caribbean. I've seen it a thousand times. They just show up and the white women flock to them. Jamaica is the best for having the most super hung black guys. My girlfriends and I go there a couple of times a year. And so do their friends. And so on. If you go there now, you see mainly groups of white women. It's the "go to" place for a "girl's vacay"....... It's obvious why....
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Published 2 years ago
Uploaded by dariusslay
Dimensions 1575 970
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 417
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