Lvl 50
wizrdofaahz 9 years ago
he's probably just the boat skipper...
Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
That wasn't necessary. I didn't attack you so why are you attacking me? OK, you don't like the fact that I love having sex with black men. Well that is my choice. And it is no business of yours. And deal with the fact that I now have tens of millions of white women who feel exactly the same way that I do. Black cock is where it's at.
Lvl 14
Five-oh 9 years ago
Originally posted by pamattie
Availing herself of the numerous opportunities to get black cock on vacation in the caribbean! That is why all of my friends and I go there a couple of times a year. It is a feeding frenzy! Black cock everywhere! And the black guys there know it. They know that is why we go there for vacations. And there are just so damn many of them and they all make themselves available to us. I really love the nightclubs where it is essentially only white women and black men. Those places are absolutely amazing! (if you love black cock, and all white women now will admit that they do!).

I'm sure that's the same reason your dad goes there too; he must have taught you well.
MrSpumonte, 03yukon find this awesome.
Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
Availing herself of the numerous opportunities to get black cock on vacation in the caribbean! That is why all of my friends and I go there a couple of times a year. It is a feeding frenzy! Black cock everywhere! And the black guys there know it. They know that is why we go there for vacations. And there are just so damn many of them and they all make themselves available to us. I really love the nightclubs where it is essentially only white women and black men. Those places are absolutely amazing! (if you love black cock, and all white women now will admit that they do!).
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Published 9 years ago
Uploaded by Rambler16
Dimensions 500 661
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 2078
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