Lvl 34
DrDirt 11 years ago
Beautiful! Straight to favorites.
Lvl 26
moss 11 years ago
Originally posted by dippydip
Now that's what a real woman with curves looks like! not like these nasty "thick and curvy" things that keep getting posted!

Well said dippydip!
Curvy is nice Fat is NOT!!
Lvl 20
SmellMyCheese 11 years ago
There's thick and curvy and then there's "Free Willy"
moss, Robbie34 find this awesome.
Lvl 33
cable_t 11 years ago
Originally posted by dippydip
Now that's what a real woman with curves looks like! not like these nasty "thick and curvy" things that keep getting posted!

Seems like your opinion counts just as much as mine. Yes, she's nice...but some of us think thick and curvy are just as nice. Suck it up.
mikeyeven finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
dippydip 11 years ago
Now that's what a real woman with curves looks like! not like these nasty "thick and curvy" things that keep getting posted!
SmellMyCheese, moss find this awesome.
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 11 years ago
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ 'This may be LOVE, guys! ’Unconditional ‘10’ !!! ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Lvl 12
karprive 11 years ago
wow...incredible body
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Published 11 years ago
Uploaded by phloyd1
Dimensions 780 995
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 3184
Comments 7