Lvl 24
snoopy7666 11 years ago
Originally posted by Paige80
Looks like that would hurt having that between your ass so tight

I suspect you're right...This is not a style that's seen very often (except in glamour shots an' erotic swimsuit ads)...
'Doesn't seem to be a style that would be tolerable (as to comfort) for very long, not to mention even more revealing when the wearer bends over or sits down...'File this under 'sexy but highly impractical"...
Although being a guy, I hafta admit it's HT...while I can also appreciate the uncomfortable, uh, 'aspect'...
Lvl 23
Paige80 11 years ago
Looks like that would hurt having that between your ass so tight
Lvl 18
Lovesbutt 11 years ago
I'm thinking I want to floss that ass with something else.............no cutting involved
Lvl 21
spruceknob7 11 years ago
Originally posted by namerif
If u pull those strings hard enough, u could cut her in half !

What kind of sick fuck are you? That's the thought that comes to mind when you see this picture? You need a therapist before you end up a serial killer.
Lvl 14
namerif 11 years ago
If u pull those strings hard enough, u could cut her in half !
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Published 11 years ago
Uploaded by dagmar
Dimensions 640 976
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 1686
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