Lvl 60
Slacker28 10 months ago
oh hell yeah
Lvl 34
mr_hairsuit 4 years ago
Now there's a true beach beauty with an awsome full furry bush.
Lvl 5
rwh54 11 years ago
That's alota bush, I love it
Lvl 6
JackThompson 11 years ago
She best be careful. Could end up with all kinds of sea creatures in that net of hers.
Lvl 14
Yankeeman 11 years ago
what a hot big bush !!!!
Lvl 24
darno65 11 years ago
She living in the '70's? Shave!
Lvl 8
LilAbner 11 years ago
According to the Anthropologists, the human animal has been steadily losing it's body hair for the past 10,000 years. Another 3 - 5000 years and the whole pubic/armpit hair thing will be a moot point, because we won't have any. I guess that just means that, those of us who prefer our women hairless, are simply more evolved.
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 11 years ago
#7 Posted by scramasax on 08:59 18-03-2013

Snoopy, I think you may be slightly wrong re underarm hair, The French I believe like to go 'au naturelle' and I salute that.
Vive la difference, if they want bushy, then bushy is fine by me. Love them as they are... BTW Finns don't even shave their legs.
or at least the one I went out with didn't.

Thanks, Scramasax...I stand corrected. I qualified my comment with "especially in the western hemisphere," but upon checking with Wikipedia, I confirmed that both France and Scandanavia are included in the technical definition of the western hemisphere, even though that term is often used in reference to only the Americas.
Different Strokes for Different Folks, eh? I suppose that just about anything goes in the very diverse human community nowadays, and customs as well as differences should always be respected, even if not embraced. C'est la vie.
Lvl 19
F1098 12 years ago
Did someone say merkin ?
Lvl 26
moss 12 years ago
Awesome Bush!!
Lvl 18
defender6 12 years ago
love that bush
Lvl 15
scramasax 12 years ago
Snoopy, I think you may be slightly wrong re underarm hair, The French I believe like to go 'au naturelle' and I salute that.
Vive la difference, if they want bushy, then bushy is fine by me. Love them as they are... BTW Finns don't even shave their legs.
or at least the one I went out with didn't.
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 12 years ago
#4 Posted by Dagnabbit on 17:48 17-03-2013

..." Wonderful all around beauty. A woman has some pussy hair and y'all freak out. I can't believe anyone would kick her out the car just because of some pussy fur.
#5 Posted by F1098 on 19:33 17-03-2013

Good god, man. That is not SOME pussy hair. That is a whole shag rug !
Or in this case, enough kelp to foul a boat propeller.
________________________________________ __

I just cracked up at F1098's zinger...I couldn't avoid the mental image of a boat propeller chewing into that bush an' helplessly grindin' to a clunking halt!
'Too much !
With tears of laughter in my eyes, I gotta say that the lady swimmer in question definitely needs a major trim, or a shave...her bush looks like it's been growing since puberty...it more resembles a wild animal trapped between her thighs than a well-groomed an' petite triangle of 'feminine fur.'
'Funny how almost nobody ever says they prefer that a woman let her underarm hair grow wild...an' I know that's a totally different issue - but just as most women (especially in the wesrtern hemisphere) maintain their underarms smooth an' free of hair ... (well, you can fill in the rest...)
[I think I need a drink now... ]
Lvl 19
F1098 12 years ago
Good god, man. That is not SOME pussy hair. That is a whole shag rug !

Or in this case, enough kelp to foul a boat propeller.
[Deleted] 12 years ago
Wonderful all around beauty. A woman has some pussy hair and y'all freak out. I can't believe anyone would kick her out the car just because of some pussy fur.
Lvl 19
dubbedx 12 years ago
Is that a sea sponge?
Lvl 19
F1098 12 years ago
Kelp ? Yuk.
Lvl 64
phototony 12 years ago
hot tits hot pussy!!
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by parcevic
Dimensions 1280 882
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 4208
Comments 18