Lvl 17
mal 15 years ago
moby dick the great white whale.
Lvl 10
tireguy1964 15 years ago
Wish I would'nt have looked,gonna have nitemares
Lvl 17
Gus999 15 years ago
I think she's hottt.....love them big titties
Lvl 37
RogueLeader 15 years ago
Originally posted by snoopy7666

Methinks RogueLeader is havin' a little fun with us today...

Nope... not messing with you guys... I posted her because of the tig ol' bitties!
Lvl 29
kiowa55 15 years ago
Originally posted by snoopy7666

'Great comments so far ...'much more entertaining than the picture, I gotta say...
Methinks RogueLeader is havin' a little fun with us today...
I've heard the ol' saying that "fat girls need love, too...but not bandwidth." ...They can also cause a disproportionate amount of shade on the beach...
An' on top of being pale as talcum powder an' fifty pounds overweight, she's a smoker...Well, I don't think this can get any worse, so I'm just gonna cast my vote an' move on...Someone needs to text this girl Jenny Craig's number.

well said my friend
Lvl 21
Otto69 15 years ago
I just hope that tz doesn't think that a 'drum roll' from the '70s is the original Moby Dick!
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 15 years ago
'Great comments so far ...'much more entertaining than the picture, I gotta say...
Methinks RogueLeader is havin' a little fun with us today...
I've heard the ol' saying that "fat girls need love, too...but not bandwidth." ...They can also cause a disproportionate amount of shade on the beach...
An' on top of being pale as talcum powder an' fifty pounds overweight, she's a smoker...Well, I don't think this can get any worse, so I'm just gonna cast my vote an' move on...Someone needs to text this girl Jenny Craig's number.
Lvl 6
screwball69 15 years ago
Don't worry little minki, Greenpeace are on the way !
Lvl 18
lzzoso 15 years ago
Moby Dick is the great drum solo by the late, great John Henry "Bonzo" Bonham from the "Mighty Led Zeppelin". She is more like a great white beached whale.
Lvl 6
cera 15 years ago
moby dick?
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by RogueLeader
Dimensions 600 432
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 2493
Comments 10
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