Lvl 9
VanHaus 18 years ago
My god man,what are you thinking????
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 18 years ago
Oh, what th' hell...older folks need love, too....they look to be very well maintained...an' life doesn't have to get boring just because you survive past 40....When the interest and the urge is no longer there, then you know it really IS time to retire...so "Go for it", you crazy 'kids'...
[Deleted] 18 years ago
ahhhh thats cute she is giving her a bath how nice
Lvl 8
sikrok 18 years ago
no no stop playing with me.the kids keep telling me they can smell fish in the bathroom
Lvl 5
PUSSY_ADMIRER 18 years ago
no more of this kind of pictures, please!
If I watch any more I won't have sex anymore when my wife is 40!!!!
Lvl 95
mikeyeven 18 years ago
some of us enjoy the mature pic. i know i do
Lvl 8
Paus 18 years ago
The one standing up is geriatric case, the one in the tub is not too bad. They both have grey hair. This is more a picture for WhatOldiesWant.
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by jeffb6900
Dimensions 804 800
Category Bathroom Babes
Views 6034
Comments 7
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