Lvl 7
mrmontess 16 years ago
I'm new here, but I have a question - are fake boobs better(accepted) if they are covered up, or is it "bad" boob jobs that get all the comments, and if fake boobs look alright is that ok?
Lvl 59
EricLindros 16 years ago
Originally posted by mrmontess

I'm new here, but I have a question - are fake boobs better(accepted) if they are covered up, or is it "bad" boob jobs that get all the comments, and if fake boobs look alright is that ok?

Usually it's the topless chicks that get all the negative comments. Probably because it's easier to tell if the chick has implants that way.
Lvl 27
911Porsche 16 years ago
A Smokin Hot Body on a Smokin Hot Babe!!!
Lvl 15
rimmer1966 16 years ago
Sexy lady!
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Published 16 years ago
Uploaded by habfan74
Dimensions 450 600
Category Bathroom Babes
Views 3873
Comments 4