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Lvl 6
klitman 9 years ago
Pamatie, for years I have avoided saying anything about. You remind me of a troll on [Blacklisted] named "Androloma". Always with the same annoying comments. It seems to me that you are a plant. Seeding messages with incessant adulation of BC. Do you think the rest of us are blind? Or unable to admire something and STFU? I think that is a very potent and dynamic photograph. All of us can see that even her buttocks are collapsed from the pounding that she is getting! And her face is a foot away from the guy's balls. So yes, great picture and rest of us can see that. I am seriously going to petition the WBW admins to add a blocking feature to the backend DB. If you are reading this, you might as well get started, because the rest of us are tired of Pamattie.
vegas365, steve841, doolittle find this awesome.

Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
We all want large cocks. Simple as that. Size matters. That is why we migrate to black men. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
Cable t...... you are wrong. Sorry. But go ahead and think that if it makes you feel better about the fact that white women are moving to black men in droves. White women (I know because I am one) want to handle big cocks, which means black cocks. You can doubt me, but all you have to do is look around. Wherever there are black men in the population, you will find white women all around them, yearning to have sex with them. Just a simple fact. Why the hell do you think that black men are almost always fucking not just one, but a bunch of white women? Because there almost every white women wants a black man nowadays. Simple fact. They are limited only because in many areas, like where I am from, blacks make up only 20% of the population. There truly are not enough black men to go around. I see it and I hear it from all of my friends. And they tell me that it is the exact same thing they hear from all of their friends. And it is more prevalent the younger you go. Each younger age group of white women is more involved with black men. My niece at college tells me that she does not know a single fellow white female student at her school who has not had sex with a black man. She says that if they haven't had a black man before college, then it is usually the first thing they do when they get on campus. They seek out a black guy, either at a campus party or at a bar in the town, and throw themselves at the black guys. And she further tells me that they are all hooked on black men. This is a simple fact. If any of this is new to you, then you have had your head in the sand. This is simply the way it is. As for me, I have a regular group of black guys (about a dozen) whom I have sex with regularly. I will never give it up. sorry.
Lvl 21
bkc 9 years ago
What if she was
Lvl 33
cable_t 9 years ago
You're a guy! No doubt in my mind.
digem, klitman, vegas365 find this awesome.

Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
I am mesmerized by his cock. It is magnificent. I worship black cocks like that. I really, really wish I was her. What a wonderful sexual experience she is having. I am sooooooo envious. You go, Girl! That cock, friends, is why I only have sex with black men. Look at that beautiful, beautiful instrument of pleasure. I am getting so fucking wet just looking at this pic. I am in love....

Lvl 17
oly70 9 years ago
Heavens, what a cock....
Published | 9 years ago |
Uploaded by | omo-91 |
Dimensions | 1280 927 |
Category | Amateur Porn |
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Views | 1633 |
Comments | 7 |