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Road rage

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 11 years ago Views: 3.1K
I've never experienced any road rage aside from the other day, I changed lanes in a bit of a rush and the car in front squirted water on me somehow. I could imagine the 78 year old lady who was driving a little bit stressed so I backed off and turned my wipers on. It was a nice gesture anyway I thought because my wiper fluid had run dry and the window was dirty.

Have you ever experienced an exciting road rage indecent?
* This post has been modified by [Deleted] : 11 years ago
One time while driving home from work, there had been a vehicle behind me for a couple of blocks, and following quite close. I was doing the speed limit, but I got the impression that it wasn't fast enough for this guy. When we came to an intersection, and the road widened a little bit, he passed me in the middle of the intersection. He the proceeded to speed up to about 80 km/hr in a suburban neighborhood...full of kids and playgrounds. He went another block or so, and then pulled into a driveway. I couldn't believe that this guy was less than 2 blocks from his destination, yet passed me in the middle of an intersection, and was ridiculously speeding in a neighborhood. I stopped on the street behind him and yelled out my window at him that I thought he should watch his speed, that there are kids playing (which there OFTEN are) and that he was almost double over the speed limit. He started swearing at me that I was driving too slow and that he'd been following me for miles (which is bs) waiting to pass. And he's like YELLING at me...I was about to drive off, when a woman came out of the house asking what was going on, and he's still yelling, then she starts yelling at me too...when she had no fucking idea what even happened. So I start telling her what he did, and she's still yelling at me. I eventually drove off, cuz these people were so irrational that I feared the next thing was gonna be the apperance of a gun.
Lvl 19
Once had a guy chase me down county roads for about six miles. Started off when he came down the middle of the road and I refused to get out his way. He turned around in a driveway and started following me, honking and flipping me off. When that didn't get the desired reaction from me, he hit the ass end of my truck with his car. He did this four times, then I guess he was still not pleased with my reaction so he tried to get up alongside me and push me. The second time he attempted to push I saw him start to do it and stopped letting him go across in front of me and into the ditch along the road. Left him there and called county sheriff department. Have no idea what his problem was other then me refusing to get further to the left in my lane so he could go down the middle of a two lane road.
Lvl 19
Me and another driver went for the same lane at the same time. By the time I even realized he was there he had swerved away. He got behind me and started flashing his high beams. I politely waved sorry to him (read: gave him the finger) and drove on. A few kilometers later I stopped at a red light not even thinking about him. I happened to look in my mirror and saw him coming at me with a metal pipe. Needless to say I ran the red light and left him behind. Scared the hell out of me and taught me a lesson... Don't provoke people who are already pissed off.
Lvl 28
what an idiot
Lvl 20
I start every day with a little road rage. and stoplight rage. and train rage. probably not healthy. but i can't drink on my way to work.
The video maker seemed to have a bit of a cock nugget about him so there's a good chance he pushed the other guy over the edge.. it's like something out of District 9
I'd say he overtook him then slowed down in front or failed to give him any extra space to get past earlier in the piece. If someones up my ass in a hurry, i'll move over to let them past.. they could have someone bleeding out in the back seat or you never know any conditions they might have like anger management issues etc. His day would've been better if he'd just swallowed a bit of his self righteousness at the start and let the madman past.
Lvl 5
crazy, how the hell did they not catch this guy? Aussie police must not have balls.
Ahh after the first three hits I would have got out of my car & capped is ass.... Suckerz
Lvl 15
i thought this was a U.S. thing
Lvl 16
Maybe she didn't mean to squirt you with water. If I turn on my washer, the water squirts out like wild and it even flies up and over the roof.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago