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need help finding

Starter: thefalcon Posted: 13 years ago Views: 22.9K
Lvl 8
does anyone know of any websites where you can see pics and or video of REAL straight girls lezzing out. not the fake stuff like you would see on [blacklisted].com (which isn't even trying anymore).
Lvl 25
Originally posted by thefalcon

REAL straight girls lezzing out

I don't think you understand what you just typed.
Lvl 8
ok i guess they won't show the website i put as an example. I apologize to the mods for putting it. but basically I'm looking for sites that have real straight girls lezzing out. not sites where it's obvious that even though they say it's real straight girls you can tell their professionals and that the whole thing is fake. especially when they don't question why the camera is there.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by thefalcon

real straight girls lezzing out.

I don't think you understand what you just typed again.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by thefalcon

real straight girls lezzing out.

1. All girls are real.

2. A girl who eats out another girl is either bisexual or lesbian, not (real) straight.

3. A girl that who would preform oral sex on another girl while drunk or on a rare event tend to have underlying bisexual preferences, thus, not straight.

4. Straight girls that make out with each other but have no actual interest in performing oral sex on each other are not 'lezzing out' they are just trying to gain attention.

5. There are no actual websites that offer original content of actual female amateurs performing oral sex on each other that is not stolen content.

Your request would better be defined as, 'looking for real amateurs lezzing out'

Lvl 8
ok.where can i find websites of real amateurs lezzing out and not of paid pornstars lezzing out?
Lvl 25
Lvl 27

you could have a look
...anyhow, I will watch out for some, and put them here! *thread watchlisted*
Lvl 17
Great post by the Web Crew!
Lvl 18
We've got tons of pics like that right here on this site. Look through the threads or better yet get a sponsor membership because the gallery has thousands of the types of pics you are looking for.