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My sexy girlfriend again, 3rd time posting!

Starter: T67MR2 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 182.3K
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Lvl 11
Originally posted by bustMall

Excellent effort by you both. If I were in a joking mood, I'd say something stupid, like "anyone can take good pictures with an f2.8" but your composition effort, modelling efforts and in cases where the light is very good, your ability to play the light, are all so good that I know you are both working hard to put out more than just some tittilating shots. You're trying to make good pictures. The effort is extra appreciated since it appears you are doing this just for your own enjoyment, and the fun of sharing with us. If you were doing a light porn website and trying to get free promotion it wouldn't be such a noble effort. I really like some the small things, that really are not so small, particularly how artfully you hide the tattoos on the inside of her wrists.

A huge KUDO's to both of you. I'm enjoying the show as your skills improve.

If you aren't familiar with it, you might be interested in this guy's work:[ Link ]
He started a Picture a Day project with his late 40's, now 50 something wife, who is stunning herself. The project has continued on a lesser level through today. A lot of the pics give info on the equipment and composition, so a hobbyist can learn along with him.

Always look forward to your updates, figured it was about time I passed on some praise.


PS: I think the lighter brown hair is much more complimentary to her skin tone, and is more suitable to the soft nature of most of your pics. I thought she was very beautiful as a light brunette, but hey that's just my opinion, not a critisism in any way. How old is she, if you don't mind me asking?

Wow thanks for the detailed comment. I by no means am a professional, and also have no training in photography. Everything I know is all self taught, so I really appreciate your comments here.

She's in her late 20's. You noticed her wrists? Lol
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by BabeLover888

thanks for the new pix...great as usual, but wheres the trademark HQ bj shot?

Lvl 11
Will have to work on more pics when we get the chance.. She's a little sick right now, and I have been working a lot.. Once she's feeling better we will try and work on a new set. Some of you have thrown out some ideas that sound interesting that we will try out.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by T67MR2


Wow thanks for the detailed comment.

Absolutely. Well deserved.
Lvl 30
This thread is awesome!
Looking forward to see more pics!
Lvl 11
Well she's starting to get better. So maybe we'll work on some more pics in a few days.
that's what we like to hear can't wait to see!
Lvl 5
she is a goddess.....beautiful, hot, sexy, amazing. What a woman.

Excellent photography too
Lvl 7
So amazing. Thank you both!
Lvl 26
She's amazing. Thnx for the pics!
Lvl 6
one word-

Lvl 23
I just read this entire thread and all I can say is you have an amazing hot and obviously horny girlfriend. I love how she lets you post here. I have loads pictures of my girl in all positions possible and if I posted one of them online she'd shoot me! Thanks for sharing!
Lvl 14
Simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
Lvl 5
Wow, all I can say is sweet!!!! I just wish that we could rate it higher that a 5.
Thank you for sharing. Awesome!
Lvl 11
Wow! Thanks for all the great comments everyone. Well she is finally better from being sick and the weekend is coming. So we will definitely try for another shoot this weekend to get some new pics up. Thanks again for all the great comments. We both appreciate them.
Lvl 15
I hope you do, it's a favorite thread of mine on WBW. Thanks for taking the time out to share.
Lvl 7
2 words.....Fucking Fantastic!!!
Lvl 11
Lvl 14
I just read this entire thread and all I can say is you have an amazing hot and obviously horny girlfriend. I love how she lets you post here. I have loads pictures of my girl in all positions possible and if I posted one of them online she'd shoot me! Thanks for sharing!

How is she gunna find out Zulu. I won't tell her I swear
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