Score: 4.66 Votes: 224
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My sexy girlfriend again, 3rd time posting!

Starter: T67MR2 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 182.2K
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Lvl 15
Fantastic - I wish I could give you another 5 stars for each update
Lvl 4
Wow. What an awesome girl you have. My only regret is that I did not see this post earlier!
Lvl 15
Oh man!!! FANTASTIC thread!! your girl is amazin´!! she´s super hot!! i would fuck her hard!! she looks like she´s amazin´in bed!!!.

My wife said that your girl is hot!!!! she would make a threesome whit her!!
Lvl 7
I wish there was a higher rating than 5* that each user could use once a month or so for those special girls! I'd definitely use it for her!
Lvl 8
I would have to agree with the observations of others: your camera skills are terrific and the model is very fine. I appreciate the share.

I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to take this to a professional level at some point.
Lvl 4
Outstanding pics thanx
Lvl 11
Wow thanks for all the comments everyone We will have to take more later today.
Lvl 5
lucky bugger
Lvl 11
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 10
Awesome !!!
Lvl 11
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 11
Lvl 30
beautiful woman!!
Lvl 10
Hot wheels and hot girl, what a combination !!!!!
Lvl 5
wow...another stellar update. She is a goddess, no doubt about that. And kudos for the amazing photography, excellent work, great use of light, etc, etc. Keep it up!!
Lvl 14
I love her ass, especially the pic on the first page with her finger in her asshole, that is hot!!!
Lvl 7
Gorgeous lady very sexy! Thanks a lot!
Lvl 26
OMG!!!Fantastic and finally!!!I really don't know which photo is hotter and better!!!???Continue,please and don't make so long pause!!!
Lvl 15

what a lucky S2000...AP1 or AP2 gen?
Lvl 11
Originally posted by BabeLover888


what a lucky S2000...AP1 or AP2 gen?

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