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My sexy girlfriend again, 3rd time posting!

Starter: T67MR2 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 182.3K
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Lvl 7
My first post.Just finished all 36 pages of this awesome thread. She's so friggin hot man.
One of the best I've seen.
Patiently awaiting more.
Lvl 11
Well I just wanted to say thanks again for the great comments. She always appreciates them a lot.

We definitely would like to take some more pics, but just can't seem to get the time with the holidays here. But we will for sure be doin it up big after the New Year.
can't wait to see what you two put together!
Lvl 3
Amazing topic with gorgeus lady which is posting in. Love to see more and hope to hear from you.
Lvl 12
Great Pics !!! Thanks .
Lvl 13
Hi t67mr2, do you take some pics on hollydays? I can't wait to see them!
Lvl 15
Lvl 14
we NEEED more pics of her hot ass!!!!!!!!
Lvl 14
Seems like we have reached the end...
Lvl 14
any new pics?
Lvl 4
first thank you. she is fine very fine and u are very lucky. and finally post number 24, that was nice .
Lvl 13
We need more! Pleeeaaasseeeee!!!
Lvl 6
Am I missing something, where's the 'sexy girlfriend'?
Lvl 4
Nice GF
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Zebede

Am I missing something, where's the 'sexy girlfriend'?

Were curious, what exactly you mean by that.

Annnnnyways, we both have today off, so we figured we would head out, and try to find a place to take some pictures.. Expect a post later today! Sorry for being absent so long.
Lvl 14
cant wait, take some pics of that round ass
Lvl 21
we finally get to see her face
Lvl 21
daMN she's SEXY!
Lvl 6
very sweet babe
Lvl 2
What type of camera do you use? I would want to get one so I can share too with HQ pics
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