
Should we allow compilation videos?

  • Yes

    76.42% (256)

  • No

    23.58% (79)

Votes: 335
Lvl 20
motorolapower 7 months ago
There was a series with a bunch of short clips I really liked, so I spent credits to unlock a longer one. I assumed it was more footage or at least a longer version of one of the other videos. It was literally just the other videos from the series pasted into one longer video. Very disappointing. I felt ripped off.

If a video is worth taking down because it's a duplicate of another, why is it any better if it duplicates three other videos? What if even the short ones have to be unlocked? Users wouldn't even know what's a duplicate until they spent credits to unlocked all of them.
Lvl 18
dirtybird10009 7 months ago
Would it have to be a compilation of videos that aren't hosted here already?