
Should we add more achievements?

  • Yes

    65.52% (133)

  • No

    20.69% (42)

  • Maybe?

    13.79% (28)

Votes: 203
[Deleted] 4 years ago
I think a Credits-Per-Vote Tier should be added based on the largest achievements. Currently, everyone only get 0.01 credits for each vote they make, but say after reaching Level 10, 20, 30 etc your credits per vote go up. You could also do this based on longevity. I got an achievement for being here 13 years and a Level 30, so maybe I should be making like 0.1 credits now per vote. That's what would really keep me around. Considering the cost of some of the "censored" stuff, I think this would be a great membership driver. I'm not saying make it easy, but something like 0.1 or 0.2 PPV would def allow me access to some of the hotter stuff on here it sems only premiums can get to (or someone that has saved points FOREVER like me lol).
tingtong29, dogdude find this awesome.
Lvl 21
Dirty#1 4 years ago
For the faithful members of WBW, there should be an achievement award of a free month once a member has reached 10yrs of being a subscriber.
Diz-X, [Deleted], F1098, littlethick find this awesome.
Lvl 9
ReyRey69 4 years ago
1 year and activity member👍
Diz-X, littlethick find this awesome.