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Suggestion: mandatory proof pics

Starter: J-Swiss Posted: 15 years ago Views: 274
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Lvl 24

because creepus is so disturbed by seeing our ranks divided, i have done us all a favor and cleaned that 8 page thread of all the bullshit except comments that dont have anything to do with the fucking proof picture.

its now smaller than 2 pages.

im going to make this hugely clear for anyone who wasnt following my opinion on this before --

its fine to ask for a proof picture, its a natural request. but anyone seen harrassing members their posts will be removed. any moderators seen harrassing or ARGUING about these stupid fucking proof pictures will have a problem.

please do not turn our community into something so negative. we are an open community, open for people to do what they want unless its breaking the rules, ACTUAL rules.
Lvl 28
How can people agree on an unofficial rule?

That's like answering a rhetorical question..some do, but it's always pointless.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


The chick in your avatar is smuggling some basketballs.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Honda_X

Rika won't be a fan of this one either.

WTF! is there something you're trying to tell me?
i'm not sure what caused ur fit, but all i tried to do is cut down the stupid discussion.

thanx for cleaning out the whole thread, i can now no longer prove that the whole thing was already going on for a good 4 pages.. in short i did not start any drama.

and please do explain to me why you considder this harrasment, the poster claimed the pics to be her, and since the pics were posted already, why would asking for a proof pic be un-ethical.
i'm not saying every female wbw member should post proof of identity because THAT would be un-ethical.

as far as the dividing of ranks remark goes, there are more then one ways to tell a fellow crew member you disagree...
so why the flaming lord almighty do it in plain sight of the whole comunity.

and once again i can't imagine why you are so t-ed off about this, and quite frankly i'd like a pm from you,
Lvl 28
Originally posted by lilrika


WTF! is there something you're trying to tell me?

Actually I was saying that you mostly likely wouldn't agree with a mandatory proof pic rule, but in all honesty I would have figured that would be obvious by my original post.

Lvl 24
i did it that way because i WANTED other members to know that is NOT the opinion of all of our crew members

you know after i made that post within the next half an hour i recieved several PMs from members who were so glad to read that was my opinion on the subject

im really not sure what i could say to you in PM that i wouldnt say here. if youre asking for some sort of apology you better wait, because the fact that you have no idea what the cause of my irritation even was just causes me to be beside myself.
Lvl 29
Maybe because I grew up before the internet existed, I'm not as cynical as some of you guys.

If someone posts pictures that they claim to be themselves, their girlfriends, wifes, mothers, or what the fuck, I'm inclined to believe it. And if it isn't, who cares? The constant asking for proof is mildly annoying. Either believe it, or don't. Again, nobody cares!! The internet, WBW included, is just a form of entertainment. Don't work yourselves into a stroke over this. Real life has enough problems. We don't need to create anymore here!!
Lvl 59
Originally posted by lilrika


WTF! is there something you're trying to tell me?

I think he's insinuating that you may have something to tell us.
Lvl 28

Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

i did it that way because i WANTED other members to know that is NOT the opinion of all of our crew members

so correct me if i'm wrong,
me mentioning an unofficial rule, or "way things were done or dealt with in the past" was wrong? because i seem to remember that it was indeed asked several times by mods to end disputes in the past.

i however do see your point in doing it that way. (after explanation )

Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

im really not sure what i could say to you in PM that i wouldnt say here. if youre asking for some sort of apology you better wait, because the fact that you have no idea what the cause of my irritation even was just causes me to be beside myself.

i think your reaction was somewhat overheated, and if there was a special reason for you to go bananas towards me, it was ment as an open door to share that with me, i was solely interested in solving this problem, not looking for apologies.

i would still like to know why i was the focal point of your anger, with all due respect, i don't know why you are thi s upset.
Lvl 29

fuck i can't believe it, what is going on? so does everyone feel the same way? well i have nothing to prove. you can believe what you want to believe, but i can't be here if i don't get the respect from other crew members. So i officially QUIT being a mod on WBW. thx Diz-X for the opportunity.
Lvl 28

On that note, I needs moar Demerol.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

Maybe because I grew up before the internet existed, I'm not as cynical as some of you guys.

If someone posts pictures that they claim to be themselves, their girlfriends, wifes, mothers, or what the fuck, I'm inclined to believe it.

possibly. but then again, this might have something to do with it.

Lvl 24

i leave work to drive home and this has happened?

what is up with you guys, good lord
Lvl 11
Goddamn you assholes. I KNOW Jamie is a female, and I'm not aware of anything she's ever said or done to suggest anything else.

I haven't read this thread through yet, but if you guys don't make it right and convince lilrika to come back, I'm gone too.
Lvl 11
Upon further review of this topic, and previous comments by Honda directed at lilrika, I refuse to work with that dick regardless of what Jamie does, so unless Honda resigns or is fired....

I officially QUIT being a mod on WBW

Lvl 28
So everyone, you see now the damages asking for a proof pic can cause.

It's serious business as demonstrated here by myself, rika and brownell here in this little mock argument.

You can all go back to work now.

Edit: Needs moar bold font
Lvl 11
I don't know what your deal is dickhead, but if you're trying to suggest that you only posted what you did to prove a point, you're full of shit because I've personally seen you make similar comments directed at rika before this.

You're a dick, and you've always thought of you as a dick. I'm dead serious, I AM NOT modding anymore as long as you're crew.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by brownell

I don't know what your deal is dickhead, but if you're trying to suggest that you only posted what you did to prove a point, you're full of shit because I've personally seen you make similar comments directed at rika before this.

No, it wasn't to prove a point..I genuinely think lilrika is a man. Much like you genuinely think I'm a "dick"..and that's your opinion..amirite?

Originally posted by brownell

You're a dick, and you've always thought of you as a dick. I'm dead serious, I AM NOT modding anymore as long as you're crew.

I've never thought anything of you..other than you're a good mod, much like I said about rika..both good mods, I didn't insult anyone, I just believe lilrika to be a man. Just like you think I'm an asshole...but I guess I shouldn't have said anything, even though many others believe this to be true as well.

That's fine, I apologize for bring it up at all...but if you actually read the PM with which I replied to rika, I noted I thought she was a great moderator, and a great member..and that she should disregard what I believe to be true. But since you guys can't do that, and I can't have my own opinion on it..(due to this emo-kid shitstorm)...I guess this is moar super serious bold font business.
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