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Crew Changes and Intentions. UPDATE: 13 FEB 2013

Starter: Bangledesh Posted: 14 years ago Views: 4.5K
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Lvl 22
Then I nominate Assman!

(he's stopped drinking so I'm not sure)
Lvl 11
Adding another movie queue and movie forum mod is entirely up to you, but I can easily handle those sections. Diz also seems to like modding movies, and besides that, I watch ALL the new queue additions every day already. The only reason they haven't been modded is to avoid having a huge pile in (W)
Lvl 22
WOOD Assman not be a help to you ?

Somebeach, I did not know there where so many!

I retract my nomination until I know which one I'm talking about!

(I'm sure that you guys do know)
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Notech

WOOD Assman not be a help to you ?

Somebeach, I did not know there where so many!

I retract my nomination until I know which one I'm talking about!

(I'm sure that you guys do know)

Lvl 22
'til tomorrow then!

(or the next day, I'm not sure! )
Lvl 24
Hit up the spam threads if you want, but stop fucking around.
Lvl 22

( you got what I was saying? )
Lvl 18
Originally posted by brownell

Adding another movie queue and movie forum mod is entirely up to you, but I can easily handle those sections. Diz also seems to like modding movies, and besides that, I watch ALL the new queue additions every day already. The only reason they haven't been modded is to avoid having a huge pile in (W)

Imo this is the best. Brownell can handle it by his self and we don't want to much movie mods because of the waiting queue.
Lvl 24
Screwy has been added to introduce yourself.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by brownell

Adding another movie queue and movie forum mod is entirely up to you, but I can easily handle those sections. Diz also seems to like modding movies, and besides that, I watch ALL the new queue additions every day already. The only reason they haven't been modded is to avoid having a huge pile in (W)

Alright, sounds cool.

The queue is small enough to not require multiple mods right now.
Eventually I'll probably put one more in BMF, just as a system of redundancy. But for now that works, especially since we're so low on candidates at this moment.

It's a plan of ours (in development) to have two mods in each forum so that any random personal matters don't effect the operation of the forums.

Sorry for the delay, I kinda just didn't get around to responding.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Sorry for the delay, I kinda just didn't get around to responding.

Slacking....feeels good man.
Lvl 24
New picture mods.

britmonkey and AJ100.
Lvl 26
Welcome Britmonkey & AJ100
Lvl 18
Welcome new pic mods. Don't suck, please!
Lvl 11
Welcome to the blender.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Bangledesh

New picture mods.

britmonkey and AJ100.

Exellent, now i can quit pic modding..
Lvl 25
Thanks for the welcome. Id like to say I will strive to keep up your high standards, but Im only here for the free donuts.

ps. I dont offically start till the 1st March Julle, (work commitments) so keep modding. (whine)
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 25
Welcome to britmonkey and AJ100
Lvl 38
Welcome britmonkey and AJ100... Enjoy the madness...
Lvl 28
Welcome Brodawgs.
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