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Your Favorite WBW Memory (New or Old School)

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 19 years ago Views: 3.8K
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Originally posted by donkeypunchkid

You are too slow fucker.

yeah you're used to saying that aren't you?
Lvl 15
Better than hearing it all the time.
Originally posted by donkeypunchkid

Better than hearing it all the time.

yeah... i wouldn't know.

*to receptionist* cancel my 1 oclock.
Lvl 15
I know you don't have a receptionist.
Originally posted by donkeypunchkid

I know you don't have a receptionist.

how the fuck do you know?!

i could have a receptionist...
Lvl 15
I am stalking you.
Originally posted by donkeypunchkid

I am stalking you.

i thought you were stalking J_timer?
Originally posted by lAtInO-oZ

I am stalking you.

i thought you were stalking J_timer?

hmfc = j_timer. duh.

Lvl 15
No. j_timer keeps trying to see the dong on my head. I am trying to avoid him.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Originally posted by hmfc

I am stalking you.

i thought you were stalking J_timer?

hmfc = j_timer. duh.


well i didnt want to tell the whole world!
nah. j_timer's a fucktard. and we all know i'm cool.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by hmfc

nah. j_timer's a fucktard. and we all know i'm cool.

Stop lying to yourself.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by donkeypunchkid

nah. j_timer's a fucktard. and we all know i'm cool.

Stop lying to yourself.

my fave memory is when the kid with a dildo logo quoted the lobster man
Lvl 20
MY favorite memory was when i won the PEOPLES CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!! i truly deserved it......
Lvl 16
some would disagree, but you're a better people's champion than the old guy
Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Originally posted by *Jackass*

MY favorite memory was when i won the PEOPLES CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!! i truly deserved it......

you took out tony???

Lvl 20
BOO YA!!!!
Lvl 11
tony is struggling this year, catching him off guard, congrats dude
Lvl 15
Working my way up to Demigod one at the time

Or someting like that.
And boi did he spam!
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