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Who Are YOU?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 20 years ago Views: 1.9K
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I was just wondering...
About some things... Like.. Who you are...
So i made some questions for you.
I know that you all probably are going to mess it up, but i think its funny that, we choose a nickname, and use it as our name here. And why this nickname, and why this avtar?
I know there have been some threads about it. But still... Why not start a new one?

1 - Whats your name?
2 - How old are you?
3 - Why did you choose that nickname?
4 - How did you find WhatBoysWant?
5 - Why that avtar?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 27
1. MrH
2. 24
3. Cos I won the male election for hottest man in Dutchland
4. Friends
5. Do you really want to hear that story agian?
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
1 - Why Do YoU Want To Know?
2 - 26 But dont act like one
3 - My first ever nickname from the first time i went online. A girl i didnt knew made it for me because of my hair, and then its been with me ever since.
4 - Pictures, Girls, Seacrh Engine.
5 - My lion avtar has been with me always. As well as my nick name. And this i have now.... Well..
Lvl 15
1. why I would share my name with a website full of weirdos
2. 19
3.originally it was d4rkb007y and it came from a funny cartoon. everybody call me dark so I let the b007y part go
4. can't remember
5. cos Alucard r0cks!

..prolly 85% of members think I'am a goth because i have that avatar and username
Lvl 27
1. why I would share my name with a website full of weirdos
2. 19
3.originally it was d4rkb007y and it came from a funny cartoon. everybody call me dark so I let the b007y part go

You liar!!!! I don't buy that crap anymore, we all know your name is Gunther!!

Lvl 15
h4h4h4h4h4 you fool! You have no proof!

oohlala my picture is sexy
Lvl 22
Originally posted by DevilHair[DK

1 - Whats your name?
2 - How old are you?
3 - Why did you choose that nickname?
4 - How did you find WhatBoysWant?
5 - Why that avtar?

1- Eric Larson
2- 30
4- i saw it stamped on a pic at some MSN group i think.....
5- It always used to be a little viking ship....but it has ALWAYS had something to do with a viking, even when it was me as a a viking after all, right?....i have another one in waiting....or three just waiting to get sick of the laughing viking....
Lvl 25
Dark never really had a b007y to begin with anyways.

1. Only a few select people know my name.
2. 20.
3. Random flip in a 26 language dictionary.
4. My brother. First three people I met were FeFe, HB, and PF.
5. Random self expression in the form of 20000 pixels of RGB values.
Lvl 17
1 - there is no reason for you to know it
2 - 22
3 - my first nick on the net (when i was in primary schhol i was interested in german warfare during WW2)
4 - friends
5 - i like happy tree friends
Lvl 27
h4h4h4h4h4 you fool! You have no proof!

oohlala my picture is sexy


5- It always used to be a little viking ship....but it has ALWAYS had something to do with a viking, even when it was me as a a viking after all, right?....i have another one in waiting....or three just waiting to get sick of the laughing viking....

You remember this one? (damn I had to dig deep in my archive...)
Lvl 15
1. No one will ever know, never! And you can't make me.
2. 34, which can't really be right, but that's waht the license says.
3. Just have to love Cartman from South Park.
4. Don't even remember, probably searching for pics of some hot chick in google.
5. Jenn Haze giving devil horns, what's not to like?
Lvl 11
1 - -insert name here-
2 - Uhm.... 17
3 - I have a malkavian mind that's why!
4 - Some friend send me a picture
5 - It's the malkaivan avatar dude!
1. rocky
3.It's my name
4.Saw a stap on a picture on a shit website called green dragon.
5.It's a Stephen Jones(formerly Baby Bird ) album cover, and he's one of my favourite artists and nobody buys his records despite how brilliant he is! BASTARDS!!!
Lvl 19
Originally posted by DevilHair[DK
1 - Whats your name?
2 - How old are you?
3 - Why did you choose that nickname?
4 - How did you find WhatBoysWant?
5 - Why that avtar?

1. It starts with letter T. And no, it's not T-bone.
2. 19
3. I picked up the lastname of Formula1 legend Alberto Ascari. I thought using only his lastname, that wouldn't be cool. So I read some old science dictionary and found roundworm parasite named Ascaris, and things were clear enough. What a coincidence.
4. Wit_ told me, that bastard.
5. That's me (what a ugly mofo) from our Germany tour. I sometimes change that look of it.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Malkavian

1 - -insert name here-
2 - Uhm.... 17
3 - I have a malkavian mind that's why!
4 - Some friend send me a picture
5 - It's the malkaivan avatar dude!

post dine bilder!!!!
Lvl 16
1. maldi testa
2. 18
3. because i have much pain in my head
4 saw ones a pic on kazaa so i went to the site
5. once i was bored i made it, why don't know
Lvl 22
::hates the player::
@ MrH - Do you keep a picture of everybodys avtar ?
Lvl 11
Originally posted by EricTheViking

1 - -insert name here-
2 - Uhm.... 17
3 - I have a malkavian mind that's why!
4 - Some friend send me a picture
5 - It's the malkaivan avatar dude!

post dine bilder!!!!

Ahh.... Maybe some day
Lvl 16
Wel look who's trying to be funny

It's eric "oh I'm so funny" the viking

I bet that you aren't a viking

your just such wannabe viking
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