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What the hell are YOU looking down at?

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.9K
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Lvl 24
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


are those mens shoes?

Yip they are, it are my fathers but I always wear them. they're oversized which is the way i like
Lvl 11
i've had these for 7 yrs. they're pretty beaten up look'n since i've taken them around the world and whatnot. still with original sole! love 'em. lot of character in 'em. use 'em to kick around now and my dad tells me they are way over their use by date.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Pabstribbon

my phone should arrive here on wed. i will take a picture then.

its friday crackhead! u get that fone yet?


Those are some old old school shoes- i saw you sleeping on the city bus yesterday with those shoes on.
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