i'm just interesting what kind of computer games u guys play
i like realtime-strategy like commandos 2,starcraft,redalert 2
And who knows a realy good game i should like?
Warcraft 3
let me guess sinister is the dosgamesarchive creator?
Icewind dale 2. Really like RPG, also played the baldurs gate series.
Never played that game, where is it about?
i certainly like you're site sinister i found it a year ago in a search machine and its great i downloaded almost all the games from it
there's nothing better than the good old games like
secret agent
cannon fodder
wacky race
and wolf
nintendo games you mean roms?
i played them often too like final fantasy and other rpg's
they are all on kazaa
* Neverwinter Nights (Online MP)
* MEchwarrior 4 (Online MP, BK and Mercs)
* C&C Generals
is c&c generals worth it?
nice gameplay etc......?
I don't think that C&C Generals is worth the money..
It lacks the nice storylines of the former C&C games, and worse it lacks Kane.. Also the graphics aren't exactly better than the old sprite based, it is slower though. But the gameplay is quite good actually playing the Terroist faction is great fun.. Although it is a little (read : VERY MUCH)one sided in its view on terroism, in the game they are really (really really) evil..
I agree... besides only 7 levels per faction is too few in my opinion. I finished it quite quickly...