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What are you watching right now?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 18 years ago Views: 19.0K
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WBW in HD 3-D.

The nipples seem to jump off the screen.
Lvl 59
Phillies Braves baseball game. Phils are losing 2-5.

But I'm not really watching it. It's more just on in the background while I'm writing other stuff. And posting here.
Lvl 7
Jersey Shore
Lvl 59
Is that the one where Angelina leaves?

Anyway, the Eagles Redskins football game is on on my TV.
Lvl 59
House, MD
Lvl 15
Lvl 27
Alexander The Great
Lvl 7
scare tactics
Lvl 7
Fifth Gear
Lvl 59
Nothing. The TV is off.
Lvl 20
Outlaw Star
Lvl 59
House, M.D.

(not a rerun)
Lvl 59
The Daily Show (in about 5 minutes I will be, anyway)
Katie Morgan: Sex Quiz. It was kinda retarded but like a car wreck, I couldn't look away.
Lvl 59
Colbert Report.

Then King of the Hill.
Lvl 7
Lvl 14
Mad Max
Lvl 59
The MLB Playoffs Post-game show on TBS
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives
Lvl 24
My Name is Earl, S03, wrapping up E13 now.
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