Score: 4.87 Votes: 15
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What are you listening to? #24...rate that shit :p....

Starter: Punly Posted: 17 years ago Views: 14.1K
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Lvl 30
Some Ludacris...
static x - start a war 1/5
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Bob Saget Roast 4.5/5
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rush - grace under pressure 5/5
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Kings of Leon - Molly's Chamber 1/5
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static-x - shadow zone 5/5
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road runner 25th anniversary edition the enemy track 10/10
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Ministry - Senor Peligro 4/5
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Volbeat - Guitar Gangsters and Cadillac Blood (album overall rated) 4/5
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suicidal tendencies - the art of rebellion 5/5
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As I Lay Dying - Repeating Yesterday
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Sting- Desert Rose
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The dishwasher

Lvl 22
bad to the bone, by but, ! 10/10
Lvl 28
Originally posted by notech

bad to the bone, by but, ! 10/10
george thorogood and the destroyers
Lvl 28
system of a down - hypnotize 5/5
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Theory of a Deadman - Bad Girlfriend 4/5
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slayer - hell awaits 5/5
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