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What are you doing for Halloween?

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.3K
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Lvl 24
Well i know that most countries dont celebrate Halloween because it's mostly a yankee holiday from what i've heard but...

i'm wondering what people are doing for Halloween, if anything?

are you going to a party?
will you get dressed up?
will you stay at home and hand out candy?
go to a scary attraction (haunted house, scary halloween theme park)?
take your kids trick-or-treating?
or just stay at home and look at titties on WBW??

i've been invited to a Halloween on the saturday before the holiday (the 27th) which im probably going to, but i'm not sure if im going to dress up or not, if i do itll be a kind of simple costume im just not in the mood to go all out on a costume this year

and on Halloween night itself which is a wednesday night this week i'm going to be here at home with my mom handing out candy and all of these Halloween toys that we got that are pretty fucking sweet.
Lvl 28
My best friend and I always dress up, and go all out making our house scary, we hook up every bit of kickass sound equipment we have...usually 3 amps and 8 massive speakers, to really make the house loud and kinda scary to hand out candy to the kids. Then we always have one of us hide somehow, one year my friend painted himself in you couldn't see him..and he hid in the shrubs and scared the shit out of kids, the other year we dressed him up as a he could scare the shit out of little kids. So last year, we made a scare crow that looked human..(so people would think he was in there)..then he hid in this giant was so scary, in the middle of the day he was testing it out..and his mom came over and asked where he was and I said "washroom" when she was walking by he jumped in the pumpkin outfit and scared the shit out of her..she screamed so loud one of the neighbors came out of his house..

So yeah, that's what i'll be doing on Halloween, scaring the shit out of little kids, whilst dressed as a pimp. Halloween weekend im going to a party..I gotta dress up and shit, which will be lame....I might just wing it. I was going to add a pic of my friend in a giant pumpkin out fit, but I can't find i'll add it when I find it.
Lvl 24
also, i forgot that next thursday im going to this scary attraction that theyre having for the city i live in called "Fear in the Forrest"

website addy for their myspace ---->

we've driven by it quite a few times since theyve been putting it together, it looks pretty awesome. we're hoping itll be good, ill report back about how good it ended up being :P

a lot of people around here go to "Halloween Horror Nights" down at Universal Studios just outside of downtown Orlando and all, i've been to that a couple times, not going this year though.

website for Halloween Horror Nights ---->
Emptying the bodies from my trunk to make room for this years haul.
Lvl 16
Sending my kids out to get candy that I will then eat. That is the fun part of Halloween as a parent, someone else does all of the walking for you while you sit in the van and eat their candy.
Lvl 13
not a lot, we dont tend to do halloween down this end of the world...
Lvl 20
Wow, it's going to be really empty here.

*Plans mischief for when the mods are away*
Lvl 19
getting wasted
Originally posted by [Sic
not a lot, we dont tend to do halloween down this end of the world...


but IF any do come...ill scare them somehow..

and ill be here after waiting to see the pics of people who did something in the US
even though it will be a day after for me, timezones and all..
Lvl 15
Ive recently changed jobs so unfortunately im going to be staying in a hotel for a week for a training course during halloween but im planning dressing up and scaring the shit out of the business men/women by knocking doors and begging for stuff from their mini bars instead.
I might have to clear it with the hotel staff before i start dont want to get kicked out though.
Lvl 34
I do Nothing. Its only one more Comercial Day for Shops to make Money.
Originally posted by earlyriser

Ive recently changed jobs so unfortunately im going to be staying in a hotel for a week for a training course during halloween but im planning dressing up and scaring the shit out of the business men/women by knocking doors and begging for stuff from their mini bars instead.
I might have to clear it with the hotel staff before i start dont want to get kicked out though.

that would actually be pretty cool
Lvl 24
Originally posted by rocknthefreewor

That is the fun part of Halloween as a parent, someone else does all of the walking for you while you sit in the van and eat their candy.

sitting in a van and eating kids candy, this seems like some creepy joke coming about getting kids to get in your van because you have candy or something

and you dont walk with them? its good for you.

my parents always used to walk the whole way with us, however much we walked they were going to. its all part of the experience :P
Lvl 10
Party on the 27, don't think I'm gonna dress up. My options are FDR, Professor Xaxier, and I'm not that bald yet. But now that I think about it. Its not such a bad idea.
Lvl 7
Well, I'm going to a party on the 27th and its kinda a double date situation. My best friend and his fiancé are going and invited this girl, Samantha, who I met briefly once before. I'm fresh out of a 2 year relationship that ended last month and this girl is an 18yr old blonde hottie who's daddy is a Virginia State Trooper. I'm a little intimidated but I think it will be fun.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Vesuvius

*Plans mischief for when the mods are away*

I'll be here, i don't do anything for Halloween

Lvl 21
Originally posted by earlyriser

Ive recently changed jobs so unfortunately im going to be staying in a hotel for a week for a training course during halloween but im planning dressing up and scaring the shit out of the business men/women by knocking doors and begging for stuff from their mini bars instead.
I might have to clear it with the hotel staff before i start dont want to get kicked out though.
thats ballsy but could be profitable, great idea
Lvl 21
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


sitting in a van and eating kids candy, this seems like some creepy joke coming about getting kids to get in your van because you have candy or something

and you dont walk with them? its good for you.

my parents always used to walk the whole way with us, however much we walked they were going to. its all part of the experience.
here in mid missouri in the 60's in a medium size town my parents just lets us out the door and said have fun ,,I DON'T HAVE BAIL MONEY,,
Lvl 14
im going to put on a garbage bag and be dressed as "a bag of awesome" and get free drinks at our local bars but dont confuse my costume with my freinds who will be dressed as "a bag of shit"
Lvl 16
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


sitting in a van and eating kids candy, this seems like some creepy joke coming about getting kids to get in your van because you have candy or something

and you dont walk with them? its good for you.

my parents always used to walk the whole way with us, however much we walked they were going to. its all part of the experience :P

We will walk with them through our complex. But if we venture out to the surrounding subdivisions, one of us will drive the van while the other walks the kids. Next subdivision, switch places.
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