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WBW Clan.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.3K
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Lvl 22
FamilyGuy just join this one then , WBW clan 2 !
Lvl 16
Looks cool , I'll check it out .
Lvl 18
Pending in WBW Clan II
Lvl 18
Still pending, Notech do you need this to accept me into the clan?
Lvl 8
I put in request to join the clan.

My guy is pretty tough. Level 9 hardly ever lose.
Lvl 16
Im on request. Let me in damn it.. lol
Lvl 28
*checks requests*
Lvl 28
CLAN 2?!

What is this shenanigans Notech?!
Lvl 21
Clan 2!?!!!!

It's An Insurrection!!!!!!!
Lvl 22
Did I jump the gun ? I thought that there could only be 50 clan members ?
So... I jumped in and added one for the newer members ! My Bad ?
Lvl 28
There are still three openings left.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by notech

Did I jump the gun ? I thought that there could only be 50 clan members ?
So... I jumped in and added one for the newer members ! My Bad ?

I was kidding bro, it makes sense..we only have 3 spots left.

When we're full in clan one, I'll start posting the link to clan 2 in my sig..
Lvl 22
(beer) I had a Notech moment (read days)
Thanks to all who are joining the clan clan you are now all IN !
Lvl 22
Hey can my dazy,dippit ,frog500, and bobboz join clan 1 ?

( I know only three)
Lvl 21
an insurrection would have been more fun.
Lvl 22
Sorry I can only try....
Lvl 16
I, err, My friend Bill Slowsky also applied..

Let him in damnit...
Lvl 28
Lvl 16
Sweet.. Im helping out the clan.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by RumDum

I, err, My friend Bill Slowsky also applied..

Let him in damnit...

Be sure to thank "Bill" for me
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