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wanna fight (

Starter: wpak Posted: 15 years ago Views: 11.8K
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Lvl 12
I'm having a good time.
Join me newbies, I'm a newbie too.
"Might is right."
Lvl 21
hey I got one ,,come get some
Lvl 12
A brutal error has been encountered!
Lvl 2
I need all of the help I can get:
Lvl 12
Technical maintenance
Lvl 28
It's all technical maintenance's about playing anyway.

I'll add you to the front page wayaward.
Originally posted by 4tookerplace

A brutal error has been encountered!

Lvl 12
*ahem* 4tookerplace,*ahem* front page.

Also, the name "Jennifer Goldstein 4TP" was taken! What the fudge!?!
Lvl 35
Originally posted by Honda_X


It should just ask you if you want to enter your brute into the tournament just under where you click to enter the arena.

before i log on it says that im not registered, but there is no link. And after i log on it says the the registration is closed....
Lvl 12
Rats, the name Brutal Error has been used!
Lvl 24
Oh, what's that?


He hasn't helped out much. But give him some time, it's a big site, and he's just one brute.
Lvl 12
You made two mistakes Bang-Bang, you beat me to some smart assed names, and you punched my dog!

Landser LANDSER! He will fight
For the great 4TP might!
Lvl 35
How the H**l do I register for the tournaments?????
Lvl 24
There's only a short window to register, I think.
Lvl 28
I'm going to make a sexy new thread announcing the clan I just made...and another run down list of all the members playing.

The mod of this forum won't like it, but, he can go ride a dick, that silly faggot.
Lvl 24
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh


You know it, B-rah.
Lvl 28
Fucking nerph beat me, now I'm never going to hear the end of this shit.
Lvl 24
God I hate that site...
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