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Viagra/Cialis online?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 1.3K
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Lvl 29
this ' u r hav' bullshit is annoying as hell...

It fucking is indeed!!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
wow! sails I must have touched a nerve. I'm sorry to tell you that being in med school by no means makes you any kind of master at any of this. Your a neophyte. Oddly enough its drs which prescribe this drug. Are you sure your in the right profession? You stil hav no idea unless youve tried it. As far as sobering up doctors have some of the highest rates of alcoholism of any profesion. self esteem? - if your so confident why would "u hav no idea" set you off? People with self esteem problems are usually negative, as your posts regarding me and the author of this thread exudes. Finally medical school = pyschology school? no. no it doesn't. nice try tho. I know you feel high & mighty now but once you graduate & get your dick kknocked in the dirt by experienced doctors you will wise up.

Finally why would you assert that your in medical school? To validate your opinion? Do you need the fact that your in medical school as a crutch to somehow grant your argument greater force?

Nice diagnosis regarding this 19 yo's search for answers. Asserting hes pathetic for being 19 and looking for e.d. treatment is your bedside manor? Are you sure your in the right field?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 37
Originally posted by mal

wow! sails I must have touched a nerve.

Just bugs me to see idiots like you preach BS and try to lead innocent minds down the wrong path!

Originally posted by mal

I'm sorry to tell you that being in med school by no means makes you any kind of master at any of this. Your a neophyte.

I never claimed to be an expert.

Originally posted by mal

Oddly enough its drs which prescribe this drug.

Yes because they have the knowledge to see if its a mental problem or a physical one and then give you the proper guidens.

Originally posted by mal

Are you sure your in the right profession?

No, but that is a whole other discussion.

Originally posted by mal

You stil hav no idea unless youve tried it.

Spoken like a true drug addict!!!!
Just because you use it, it doesn't make you an expert. I been in the cockpit of a flying plane, that doesn't mean I can fly one.

Originally posted by mal

As far as sobering up doctors have some of the highest rates of alcoholism of any profesion. self esteem?

True doctor have the highest rate of alcoholism, drug addicts, suicided and infidelity, but that have nothing to do with the wrongful use of viagra.

Originally posted by mal

- if your so confident why would "u hav no idea" set you off?

You are telling a 19 year old that its perfectly ok and normal to use drugs to perform, when he should be able to do it naturally!

Originally posted by mal

People with self esteem problems are usually negative, as your posts regarding me and the author of this thread exudes.

Ignorence is bliss...

Originally posted by mal

Finally medical school = pyschology school? no. no it doesn't. nice try tho. I know you feel high & mighty now but once you graduate & get your dick kknocked in the dirt by experienced doctors you will wise up.

You don't know anything about how the medical education in Denmark is structured! We have different types of pyschology exams two times in a year. Still most of what I said could be considerd commen sense.

Originally posted by mal

Finally why would you assert that your in medical school? To validate your opinion? Do you need the fact that your in medical school as a crutch to somehow grant your argument greater force?

It gives me credibility..
Attacking my education or doctors in genral won't make you points any less stupid.

Originally posted by mal

Nice diagnosis regarding this 19 yo's search for answers. Asserting hes pathetic for being 19 and looking for e.d. treatment is your bedside manor? Are you sure your in the right field?

I never called him pathetic or anything close to it! I just told him that if he needs drugs he should go see somebody how knows about this stuff. Not trust a bozo like you.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by mal

wow! sails I must have touched a nerve.

Originally posted by Sails
Just bugs me to see idiots like you preach BS and try to lead innocent minds down the wrong path!

Obviously this isnt true as directing your attention to this innocent mind would have been far more productive than ranting about some one elses advice.

Originally posted by mal

I'm sorry to tell you that being in med school by no means makes you any kind of master at any of this. Your a neophyte.

Originally posted by Sails
I never claimed to be an expert.

Right, so it was just to make your otherwise inexperienced opinion sound as if it had a modicum of truth when it only reveals your need to use it as a crutch. Dont act like your saying your in med school was not in attempt to elevate your opinion on the matter either.

Originally posted by mal

Oddly enough its drs which prescribe this drug.

Originally posted by Sails
Yes because the have the knowledge to see if its a mental problem or a physical one and then give you the proper guidens.

Yes which you do not so to attack the use or non use of this drug is irresponsible. As opposed to relating personal experience and reasons for such use and the myths that go along with it.

Originally posted by mal

Are you sure your in the right profession?

Originally posted by Sails
No, but that is a whole other discussion.

Then by all means dont toss around your enrollment in a questionable endeavor to shore up your personal attacks on others.

Originally posted by mal

You stil hav no idea unless youve tried it.

Originally posted by Sails
Spoken like a true drug addict!!!!
Just because you use it, it doesn't make you an expert. I been in the cockpit of a flying plane, that doesn't mean I can fly one.

Yes and you havent graduated from medical school yet you seem to freely diagnose people as if you have made any real probing into the subject at hand. Saying that you dont know what something is like until you have tried is addictive indicators? So if youve never tried choclate and I tell you that you cant know what it tastes like until youve tried it makes me a choclate addict? Clearly logic is not your strong suite. Also your metaphor is lacking. Yes riding in the cockpit doesnt mean you can fly it but this is like saying carrying viagra in your pocket without taking it. Taking it makes me a person who has flown the plane and thus can give my opinion as to what its like to fly the plane. Again flawed logic on your part.

Originally posted by mal

As far as sobering up doctors have some of the highest rates of alcoholism of any profesion. self esteem?

Originally posted by Sails
True doctor have the highest rate of alcoholism, drug addicts, suicided and infidelity, but that have nothing to do with the wrongful use of viagra.

Wrongful use of a drug (viagra) has nothing to do with drug addicts? Again you contradict yourself but you miss the point.

Originally posted by mal

- if your so confident why would "u hav no idea" set you off?

Originally posted by Sails
You are telling a 19 year old that its perfectly ok and normal to use drugs to perform, when he should be able to do it naturally!

??? Hes asking about it so obviously theres an issue. And again you with the snap diagnosis. He didnt say he couldnt do it naturally. He didnt say he could. He is also an adult. If he wishes to get a prescription from a doctor you shouldnt act like he shouldnt. How is it your place to tell him what he should or should not do. Im not telling him he should use it Im telling him I have used it and found it to be positive. Then again maybe he wants to use it as a recreational drug. Oh Im sure the moralistic sails will assail such use as well.

Originally posted by mal

People with self esteem problems are usually negative, as your posts regarding me and the author of this thread exudes.

[reply=Sails] Ignorence is bliss...

Thats it??? Thats your rebuttal of this scientifically based fact. Your attack on me and your assumptions about the author reflect your negative outlook on life as well as your investment of greats amount of time into something you dont even know that you want to do. Five second google:
"People with low self-esteem less motivated to break a negative mood" - Yes your right ignorance is bliss. Maybe you were referring to your ignorance on this topic. I take it they didnt cover this aspect in your years of pyschology study referenced below nor your common sense.

Originally posted by mal

Finally medical school = pyschology school? no. no it doesn't. nice try tho. I know you feel high & mighty now but once you graduate & get your dick kknocked in the dirt by experienced doctors you will wise up.

You don't know anything about how the medical education in Denmark is structured! We have different types of pyschology two times in a year. Still most of what I said could be considerd commen sense.

Originally posted by mal

Finally why would you assert that your in medical school? To validate your opinion? Do you need the fact that your in medical school as a crutch to somehow grant your argument greater force?

Originally posted by Sails
It gives me credibility..
Attacking my education or doctors in genral won't make you points any less stupid.

No it gives you a level of arrogance which you are not even ashamed to attempt to use to sound as if you are correct on an issue youve done little to no research on nor evaluated anyone. Ironically you use the logical fallacy of an argument ad hominum in your claim that Im attacking your education. You attack my argument by inferring that it and therefore I am stupid yet in the same breath claim that attacking your group is fruitless? Circular reasoning with an attack on person. lol Omg thats rich. Your need to use your neophyte status in post graduate work reflects your belief in the weakness of your argument. Why do you need added credibiity if your point is correct?

Originally posted by mal

Nice diagnosis regarding this 19 yo's search for answers. Asserting hes pathetic for being 19 and looking for e.d. treatment is your bedside manor? Are you sure your in the right field?

Originally posted by Sails
I never called him pathetic or anything close to it! I just told him that if he needs drugs he should go see somebody how knows about this stuff. Not trust a bozo like you.

Again with the attacks on the person. This does not make you correct but it does go to show that you are projecting when you claim that I have low self esteem. You are the one using negative assaults in an attempt to bolster your position. As stated earlier, such negativity is a true sign of low self esteem. Its almost as if this is a cry for help, your attacks here today. I hope that it is not. I hope that you are not as down as it appears that you are.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
ive actually had enough of this...
go e-fight somewhere else, either of you post on this subject ANYWHERE else on this site, or start arguing on the forum will get a warning.

this thread has become useless....
he wanted to know where to get viagra online, he got an answer.

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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