Originally posted by Burn
i swear to have Vesuvius fired from his crew job, and made to sweep floors at his local mcdonalds
or as we would say in my native language
F SNURGIN FO CLON VESUVIUS SNARF GLOT YURT, don creepin fo slampink todd curgin flurgin splurgin mcdonalds
I agree Vesuvius takes moding too new level and gets bit too harsh.....and goes too far......may be has vent for anger? so he has be pain some times and delete a post because it's not too his taste! even if it's not breking the forum rules....sorry Vesuvius get a life Ikea boy and dont take things so hard.....hey man nothing against you but really got loosen up...and stop deleting some posts because you dont like it!
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago