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Vesuvius is censoring my right to speak gibberish!!!!!

Starter: Burn Posted: 19 years ago Views: 2.9K
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Lvl 11
Originally posted by Burn

i swear to have Vesuvius fired from his crew job, and made to sweep floors at his local mcdonalds

or as we would say in my native language

F SNURGIN FO CLON VESUVIUS SNARF GLOT YURT, don creepin fo slampink todd curgin flurgin splurgin mcdonalds


I agree Vesuvius takes moding too new level and gets bit too harsh.....and goes too far......may be has vent for anger? so he has be pain some times and delete a post because it's not too his taste! even if it's not breking the forum rules....sorry Vesuvius get a life Ikea boy and dont take things so hard.....hey man nothing against you but really got loosen up...and stop deleting some posts because you dont like it!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 23
Vesuvius is censoring my right to speak gibberish!!!!!

yes, he seems to do that quite often...he's even deleted whole threads instead of the offending medium
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by ®TheCoolerKing

Vesuvius is censoring my right to speak gibberish!!!!!

yes, he seems to do that quite often...he's even deleted whole threads instead of the offending medium

yeah well thats him for you! thing like "fairness" and "logical" does not come to mind when he does that. may be he has crap job in outside world and co-workers tease him?! this his revenge on world every time he's on that pc of his. it's his law or no law when it comes editing post and deleting topics..... Vesuvius stop trying play god at least other mods have a balance between fun and censoring posts that are out of order and break the rules. but he just gets rid any thing that does conform to what he thinks is right......even if nothing wrong with what person said!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 20
Very interesting speculations ++speed++freak+, not that it really conserns you but I study to become a pharmacist, I am not teased by any co-workers. Not really sure why that would have any influence on my work here. In any case I hear surprisingly little critic of the kind you are giving me now. And every time I do it is in a thread that is started about me but originally is about another subject. Am I so frightning that people doesn't dare to speak to me directly through PM? It's not like I'm gonna ban you from the forum. If I never hear what I'm doing wrong, how can I improve? In any case I would really like to know what posts it is that I have modded that wasn't a rule-breaking post. And to ®TheCoolerKing I might say that I deleted that thread because 80% of it vas pro material. No way I'm gonna delete one post at a time for 50 pages.
And yes, I am harch. It is a busy forum, if I don't keep control over it it will be flooded with bad material. It was very noticable when I came back after the summer and hadn't had the posibility to mod very much.

And about censoring. I would like to know what I have censored that didn't deserve it. We do not allow degrading names like Bitch and Whore on this board frankly because they are distasteful. Why would any selfrespecting person use that? It is downright mean. Other than that I don't know what I have censored more than comments that are really hurtful for someone.

Please do tell me...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 21
This thread took a turn for the worse...

*leaves thread quietly*
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Vesuvius

Come on, no need to be rude about it. I'm just trying to keep the vicious beast from eating you all up.

:: Whispers "play along" to I-love-girls ::

I would have, if I would have been around any computer, but I was already at a somewhat more less sophistocated environment. No kind of computer to be found in about 20 KM.

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by I-love-girls

I would have, if I would have been around any computer, but I was already at a somewhat more less sophistocated environment. No kind of computer to be found in about 20 KM.

Oh well, I solved it anyway.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 20
Yeah, you're right.

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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