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Unwanted Information.

Starter: jenngurl23 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 4.3K
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Lvl 24
I did that mostly to throw in the part about your penis.
Lvl 11
Lvl 24
lol indeed.

lol. Indeed.
Lvl 29
It is "by accident". Not "on accident".
My bathroom has a lockable door, does that mean it's fancy too?
Lvl 13
@ Jenngurl - I think your brother wanted you to see his weener - Hence leaving the bathroom door open.

@ Lindros - I think your grandfather rocks man - It's not like he is losing his mind - I just think he has gotten to the age where he doesnt give a fuck anymore!!!
Lvl 11
My friend once told me he shaves his pubes I was like uhhhh k thanks for that yeah not cool.
Lvl 13
That is better than him informing you of his bowel movments though isnt it?????
Lvl 12
I had a friend who osted some of his porn on facebook by accident. I couldn't stop laughing, he had cmments from his mum nd sister saying wtf lol and to make matters worse, they had got into a comment arguement with some blokes from work who was demanding more photos!
Lvl 11
:P Thanks Rainbowdemon.

Marcel: No. That's gross. Just wasn't locked, not open.

jhope1: Why yes, yes it is fancy. LOCKS?! You are supremely ahead of modern technology indeed.
Originally posted by 0ghash

I had a friend who osted some of his porn on facebook by accident. I couldn't stop laughing, he had cmments from his mum nd sister saying wtf lol and to make matters worse, they had got into a comment arguement with some blokes from work who was demanding more photos!

well funny ....did he post more?
Lvl 59
Oh, this used to happen at work too....

At some places in the hospital there would work these big fat women, like orca-fat, who would, on occasion, feel the need to start talking about their latest sexual conquests. Those are just not mental images I need. It was disturbing.

Rule of thumb: If you look down and can't see your feet, don't tell the whole world about that dicking you got from the drunk blind guy at the bar, you know, the one with the clubbed foot and three fingers on his left hand. Nobody cares, and really, you probably shouldn't be doing that anyway, because you don't need to shit out another kid with a father who is going to be either in jail or living under the bridge down by main street drinking his own urine and bathing under the waterwheel.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

Rule of thumb: If you look down and can't see your feet, don't tell the whole world about that dicking you got from the drunk blind guy at the bar, you know, the one with the clubbed foot and three fingers on his left hand. Nobody cares, and really, you probably shouldn't be doing that anyway, because you don't need to shit out another kid with a father who is going to be either in jail or living under the bridge down by main street drinking his own urine and bathing under the waterwheel.

Yes they do, that's how they get their fatass welfare checks.

You can't buy dingdongs and stretch mark balm without sweet governmentz checks.
Lvl 29
Yeah so the GF and her friends all play softball on her company team. They were just over a lil while ago and one of her friends goes into a long story about how she ALWAYS checks a d00dz penis for bumps and shit before poppin' it up in her mouth. She says this because apparently she blew some d00d the other night...
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 10
I call bull shit
Lvl 59
Originally posted by WindyM

I call bull shit

So I take it you don't check the penii your mouth engulfs for any, um, unnatural protuberances?

Lvl 24
I was watching a documentary on sex once, and the guy that was educationally reaming this girl had massive protuberances. It totally detracted from the learning, cause it was gross.
Lvl 37
YUCK! Who has sex with their eyes open. That's just NASTY
Lvl 24
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

YUCK! Who has sex with their eyes open. That's just NASTY

Who does what?
Lvl 37
You know; sex

when the man and woman rub their butts together until a spark is formed.
The woman swallows the spark and a baby grows in her stomach until it's ready to be borned.
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