Isn't this the wrong forum for this discussion?
this guy is fuckin' awesome...
Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.4K
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ArtieLange 16 years ago
Hey phlux it isn't just the Republicans fucking America the Democrats have certainly done their fair share. You may have heard about this big world wide financial meltdown that's been going on for a few months now, well Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd were instrumental in hiding the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were cooking the books in regards to earnings. The CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) the act that started the sub-prime mess was started under Jimmy Carter another fine example of a Democrat and accelerated under Clinton and they both somehow get a pass. I could spend hours putting together links and doing the research to show you all this is true but if your interested you'll look into it yourself and if you're not you wont. I know it's real popular to bash the Republicans right now and I think W is to blame for that but believe me both sides are fucking the American public, and fucking us real hard.
Hans3242 16 years ago
In any case it is the wrong forum for me, I come her for the beautiful women - not lectures
ArtieLange 16 years ago
Originally posted by Hans3242
In any case it is the wrong forum for me, I come her for the beautiful women - not lectures
I agree Hans, this shit makes my blood boil and I come here to relax. I guess it's best for me to avoid threads like these but I'm a masochist.
Keystoner 16 years ago
Sure we're getting a lot of good things done in Iraq, but take away the massive amount of U.S. firepower, and the country is toast. Our goal was to get Saddam out; he's out, and so should we. Let the damn Iraqis police their own country. We have enough problems here, many which have been financially exacerbated because all of our damn money is in Iraq. The only way to clean up this mess is to throw ALL the bums out. They should be working for us, but they're only working for themselves and corporations who support them. Politicians are right up there with used car salesmen and ambulance chasing attorneys. The reality is that the U.S. has gone downhill real fast in the last 8 years: we have financial problems, crooked politicians, and a horrible standing in the global view. We MUST do something different, real fast, before we end up a third world country. We don't need rich, old, white men with their asses and pockets stuffed by big businesses and lobbyists. That, by the way is not a direct crack at McCain, but simply what has become American politics.
hadenough 16 years ago
i have nothing nice to say so i wont say nothing at all..
* This post has been modified
by [Deleted]
: 16 years ago
[Deleted] 16 years ago
Originally posted by hadenough
Fuck You Hoser. Keep your faggot ass in Canada. I sure would like to break my leg off in your gay ass. Revolution!!!! Fuck you again...faggot.
haha this made me laugh...
oh you were serious. i'm sorry.
i'm failing to see the connection between your claims of my apparent homosexuality and the statement about the revoultion. however, i should have realized your tiny uneducated brain couldn't handle such radical tomfoolery
and do not threaten me please, if you saw me in the real world outside your little fun box in front of you you'd be shittin' bricks cocksucker. but i won't puff out my e-chest any more and make myself look like a a complete douche-i'll leave that part to your capable little hands.
[Deleted] 16 years ago
Originally posted by ArtieLange
Hey phlux it isn't just the Republicans fucking America the Democrats have certainly done their fair share. You may have heard about this big world wide financial meltdown that's been going on for a few months now, well Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd were instrumental in hiding the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were cooking the books in regards to earnings. The CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) the act that started the sub-prime mess was started under Jimmy Carter another fine example of a Democrat and accelerated under Clinton and they both somehow get a pass. I could spend hours putting together links and doing the research to show you all this is true but if your interested you'll look into it yourself and if you're not you wont. I know it's real popular to bash the Republicans right now and I think W is to blame for that but believe me both sides are fucking the American public, and fucking us real hard.
you're absolutely right. i mean to aim my contempt at crooked ass fuck up politicians in general...i suppose the republicans are, like you said, the popular target these days.
still doesn't change the fact that they are, in general, rich old white guys who need to crawl somewhere and finally die to make way for the next generation of REAL politics. what we have now is a fucking joke.
EricLindros 16 years ago
Originally posted by phlux
still doesn't change the fact that they are, in general, rich old white guys who need to crawl somewhere and finally die to make way for the next generation of REAL politics. what we have now is a fucking joke.
That's true for every member of congress. Sure, some aren't white and some aren't men, but they're all rich old white guys, stereotypically.
BTW, you people fellating this populist pontificate really don't have a clue. The numbers he stated, 8 Billion dollars a month in Iraq, whether justified or not, is only a drop in the fucking bucket. You could finance the war for more than 10 years at that rate with the money the government just allocated to help recapitalize the US/International banking system. TEN FUCKING YEARS. Not to mention the 250 billion rebate checks that the government sent out for Economic Stimulus #1...but of course, since people got checks for themselves, somehow that's a good thing and nobody complains about the cost to the government of getting their money back. That 250 billsky could have financed more than 30 months of the wars. Of course, it didn't do anything to stimulate the economy, or prevent systemic collapse of the shadow financial banking system. And now there is talk of yet another "stimulus" package, likely in the same price range, so there's another 2.5 years of war financing out the door. And lets not forget the money spent to nationalize AIG which is quickly approaching 100B, and lets not forget the 5-6 TRILLION dollars in assets that Fannie May and Freddie Mac have on their balance sheets that the government is now responsible for.
The war is costing the US approximately .6% of US GDP, and in terms of expenditures it accounts for 3.7% of annual US government budget spending, again, using his numbers. Social security and medicare account for more than 35%.
If people want fiscal responsibility, stop electing populist fools, TIM FUCKING RYAN for example, who dole out government monies left and right and then complain about relatively trivial expenditures like this. Of course, we don't want to give up things we might actually want, just things that affect other people.
Ugh. Hypocrisy abounds.
[Deleted] 16 years ago
big E, my man.
first off, when you accuse the "populists", like Ryan for example, of wasting money...I hope you can understand your own hypocrisy there. I mean you do state that it is a trivial number comparatively, but there's a funny thing in that particular qualifier.
8+ billion a month ( a CURRENT figure, one which will undoubtedly increase in a war that will not be over in the next ten years)seems like chump change right? i mean there's only 12 months in a year, and, we'll use that handy 10 years you provided, 120 months in that. so whats 120x 8,000,000,000,000 i mean really??
come on, for someone who ended his statement with "hypocrisy abounds" you must see the irony in that.
figures aside, you're essentially saying (and correct me if i'm wrong) that since the number is insignificant, then, fuck it, who cares, right? we'll if you lived in a country with no homeless people, nobody below the poverty line, and didn't have MILLIONS (not sure of the actual figure) Americans without health insurance, then i'd cheers my jewel encrusted chalice right along side yours.
but if you want to be real about shit, then think. wasting an asinine amount of money every fucking day in a country you should not even be in in the first place doesn't really seem "fiscally responsible" to me. if you can successfully argue that this grossly misappropriated money could be of no use elsewhere in your country, then i'll shut up right now.
first off, when you accuse the "populists", like Ryan for example, of wasting money...I hope you can understand your own hypocrisy there. I mean you do state that it is a trivial number comparatively, but there's a funny thing in that particular qualifier.
8+ billion a month ( a CURRENT figure, one which will undoubtedly increase in a war that will not be over in the next ten years)seems like chump change right? i mean there's only 12 months in a year, and, we'll use that handy 10 years you provided, 120 months in that. so whats 120x 8,000,000,000,000 i mean really??
come on, for someone who ended his statement with "hypocrisy abounds" you must see the irony in that.
figures aside, you're essentially saying (and correct me if i'm wrong) that since the number is insignificant, then, fuck it, who cares, right? we'll if you lived in a country with no homeless people, nobody below the poverty line, and didn't have MILLIONS (not sure of the actual figure) Americans without health insurance, then i'd cheers my jewel encrusted chalice right along side yours.
but if you want to be real about shit, then think. wasting an asinine amount of money every fucking day in a country you should not even be in in the first place doesn't really seem "fiscally responsible" to me. if you can successfully argue that this grossly misappropriated money could be of no use elsewhere in your country, then i'll shut up right now.
ghostit 16 years ago
To add a british perspective, I, like lots of my fellow country men and women also feel this is a war brokered on lies, i feel this war has alot to do with oil and very little to do with libralising the iraq people. I do not know what the American spin on the war was but we were informed that it was to,
1st. Get rid of Osama bin ladins biggest allie in the middle east Sadam Hussian. But they hated each other so that is surly a lie, also osama biggest allie are the saudies (who have alot of money in the American and uk econamy.
2nd. To get rid of the weapons of mass destruction that sadam had all over Iraq. These have never been found and never will, and a high rankin general has said that they probly never were there.
3rd. to free the Iraq people from the sadam regiem, They never asked but when they did after the first invasion we left them to die.
I personnaly cannot wait to see the end of the Bush administraition and the labour admin in the uk who have lied to each and everyone of us about what went on. I feel so sorry for the armed forces who are basically doing a job for a few rich men who are concerned (and rightly so) about the fact that at any point the middle east could grind western contrys to a halt by stopping fuel and pulling the money out of the economys. This war has only brought heart ache and sorrow to millions of famillys all over the globe, and has brought fundementallist terrorism to our door steps. The administrations in the UK and US have shown capitolism for what it really is, a small table at which only the really rich can sit.
If any other company was run the way the banks have been, there would have been arrests and the places would have closed down, Yet we the public are told we need to bale them out and not only that the banks then repay us by taking back peoples homes refusing to pass on interest rate decreases to the little person and still not bringing the culprits off this downfall to justice.
Sadly democracy is dead in the uk there is very little between the partys fighting to run the country, and very little to build peoples confidence, the number of people who turn out to vote has dropped and dropped, we are constantly told that if you voice an oppinion about immagration, the fact that musslim fundamentalist preach openly in our own contrys about death and bombings of the western contrys in which they live, that we are racist and bad. you must alll conform conform conform. this is why there is a uptake in the musslim faith.i suppose at least they have a belief.
I am not racist BUT i have an oppinion and it has the right to be said.
as i have said for a long time, in the uk at least, we need to have a rebellion an uprising and take back the houses of parliment, we need to get rid of party politics and put back in people who listen to the people. as an final example to this in the uk earlier this year we had a vote about how the price of fuel was rising so rapidly people could not afford to put there heating on, the majority of labour mps where up in arms about this but when it came to the vote which was put forward by the oposition party the labour mps went against there own beliefs and followed the party line so that there own party would not be defeated rather than vote for what the public believed in and what they believed in.
Democracy RIP viva le Revolution.
1st. Get rid of Osama bin ladins biggest allie in the middle east Sadam Hussian. But they hated each other so that is surly a lie, also osama biggest allie are the saudies (who have alot of money in the American and uk econamy.
2nd. To get rid of the weapons of mass destruction that sadam had all over Iraq. These have never been found and never will, and a high rankin general has said that they probly never were there.
3rd. to free the Iraq people from the sadam regiem, They never asked but when they did after the first invasion we left them to die.
I personnaly cannot wait to see the end of the Bush administraition and the labour admin in the uk who have lied to each and everyone of us about what went on. I feel so sorry for the armed forces who are basically doing a job for a few rich men who are concerned (and rightly so) about the fact that at any point the middle east could grind western contrys to a halt by stopping fuel and pulling the money out of the economys. This war has only brought heart ache and sorrow to millions of famillys all over the globe, and has brought fundementallist terrorism to our door steps. The administrations in the UK and US have shown capitolism for what it really is, a small table at which only the really rich can sit.
If any other company was run the way the banks have been, there would have been arrests and the places would have closed down, Yet we the public are told we need to bale them out and not only that the banks then repay us by taking back peoples homes refusing to pass on interest rate decreases to the little person and still not bringing the culprits off this downfall to justice.
Sadly democracy is dead in the uk there is very little between the partys fighting to run the country, and very little to build peoples confidence, the number of people who turn out to vote has dropped and dropped, we are constantly told that if you voice an oppinion about immagration, the fact that musslim fundamentalist preach openly in our own contrys about death and bombings of the western contrys in which they live, that we are racist and bad. you must alll conform conform conform. this is why there is a uptake in the musslim faith.i suppose at least they have a belief.
I am not racist BUT i have an oppinion and it has the right to be said.
as i have said for a long time, in the uk at least, we need to have a rebellion an uprising and take back the houses of parliment, we need to get rid of party politics and put back in people who listen to the people. as an final example to this in the uk earlier this year we had a vote about how the price of fuel was rising so rapidly people could not afford to put there heating on, the majority of labour mps where up in arms about this but when it came to the vote which was put forward by the oposition party the labour mps went against there own beliefs and followed the party line so that there own party would not be defeated rather than vote for what the public believed in and what they believed in.
Democracy RIP viva le Revolution.
ghostit 16 years ago
p.s. THat rant was about how we are constantly lied to and the death of democracy not any political standing. x
[Deleted] 16 years ago
Originally posted by Hans3242
Isn't this the wrong forum for this discussion?
EricLindros 16 years ago
Originally posted by phlux
figures aside, you're essentially saying (and correct me if i'm wrong) that since the number is insignificant, then, fuck it, who cares, right?
No, I'm essentially saying that when a forest is being clear-cut, applauding people, such as Ryan, who make a big to-do about one particular tree being cut down while at the same time signing contracts with the lumberjacks is ludicrous.
Ryan is standing there making a big fuss about the money being spend in Iraq, yet he voted for the $850,000,000,000.00+ investment bank bailout less than three weeks ago. Yay, fiscal consistency!
EricLindros 16 years ago
Originally posted by ghostit
The administrations in the UK and US have shown capitolism for what it really is, a small table at which only the really rich can sit.
lol @ this.
If you think either nation practices anything resembling true Capitalism, you're mistaken.
You can't have true capitalism with fiat currency and central banks that manipulate the money supply at their whims and at the behest of their brethren throughout the financial industry.
Beside, capitalism call for governments to prop up insolvent industries, which is what we've been doing for some time now.
taker. 16 years ago
Thats a democrat for you all they do is bitch and whin, give NO answers just bitch. They have been in power in congress for two years and have done NOTHING. just point fingers. GOD help us if Obama gets in, he will drive this country in the ground. DEMS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR fREDDIE AND fANNIE, they have done nothing bout illegal imagratin, healthcare, social security, drilling in this country, school system, NOTHING but BITCH. Mark my words with Obama, Palosi and that piece of shit Reid in power things will get worse. I hate the war but we are there, Dems all live in pre 9-11
brownell 16 years ago
Everyone agrees that the war is too expensive and has not been run as well as it should have been, but exactly what did he accomplish? And what's the purpose of speaking in front of an empty house?
[Deleted] 16 years ago
Originally posted by brownell
Everyone agrees that the war is too expensive and has not been run as well as it should have been, but exactly what did he accomplish? And what's the purpose of speaking in front of an empty house?
yeah, i was thinking the same thing. there's roughly what...5 other people there. from my understanding of the house though, attendance is pretty much optional.
this isn't a speech really, most of the videos on youtube aren't. they're segments of him speaking, answering questions or rebutting or whatever. although i suppose he was prepared to rant with that nice poster...
some of you say that he's whining/complaining. if i was living in your country i personally couldn't sit back, saying nothing, while the dipshits with the reigns run us off course. i'm not saying that democrats are perfect, i know there are the same types of people in both camps. i was speaking politicians in general. but if you think everything is just fine and dandy with the state of your country and effectively that of the world then you need to give your head a good, hard shake.
hornithologist 16 years ago
Originally posted by phlux
but if you want to be real about shit, then think. wasting an asinine amount of money every fucking day in a country you should not even be in in the first place doesn't really seem "fiscally responsible" to me.
We should not even be there? What gives you the right to decide that? Maybe if your own country suffered the largest attack in its history, you would have a different opinion.
In 2003, I was definitely in favor of military action in Iraq, as were a vast majority of the American people. Now that we, the United States, have taken those actions, they need to be done right. If it takes another few years of our presence in Iraq to preserve what we have fought for, then yes, I think it is being fiscally responsible. However, just up and leaving now would, to me, seem not only fiscally irresponsible, but dangerous. I can see the headlines now ... "U.S Loses War Against Terrorism", "Terrorists Win", "Millions slaughtered as fascist regimes regain control of Iraq"
Of course the 8 billion a month could be used elsewhere in our government, and in time, it will. For now, the job needs to be finished. That is why I disagree with Tim Ryan.
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