And every female says it does. I'm with the girls on this one.
Somebody has searched for 60 years to find the g-spot?
[Deleted] 10 years ago
They must be doing it wrong!
I'm with the ladies on this.
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Well, as said in the article there is no biological entity that we could called the G-Spot, but it doesn't change the fact that there is an area that is very sensitive which is the backside of the clitoris. Those scientists were wrong by looking for another organ for the G-spot instead of... a spot ^^
Diz-X finds this awesome.
go in,up,curl your finger back feel the little round rough spot on the back of the pelvis. and there you are .
Poida finds this awesome.
then you are doing it wrong, it is there
if they have been searching for 60 years, haven't found it....they are looking for love in all the wrong places! It is like BIG FOOT does exist...and I have found it....not BIG FOOT...he's still out there. But a woman's G spot...oh yeah,'s there! Those scientists need to get 'out' more!