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The Festivus Airing of Grievances!

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 750
Lvl 59

For those unaware, Festivus is a fine holiday, with a few requirements. One of these requirements is an airing of grievances.

For a brief background of Festivus, here's a few videos explaining it:

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:

The rules of the Festivus airing of grievances are simple. You simply take a member who you've got some problem with, and you tell them about it.

Happy Festivus!
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 59
I'll start.

Honda_X, you used to be a funny guy, but you've decided that life is apparently more important than spending time on WBW. Well, sir, I must call bullshit, because who do you think you are, some kind of real-life living motherfucker! Shape up!

Bangles - the same with you, fool. Except, yours is even worse, because (1) you suck at poker and (2) you signed up to kill people. What the fuck is that shit all about? You decided to abandon Burritos (and Burrito girl) for that crap? To go live with a bunch of dumb smelly guys? How uncooth.

I'll get to the rest of you when I get to you. Fuckers.
Did you remember the aluminum pole?
Lvl 29
Got it covered!!

Lvl 44
OBSOLETEREALISM - Your an a-hole!?
I don't really have anyone that I have a problem with persé, I just wanted to bump this thread to see everyone elses dirty laundry.
Lvl 15
I got a problem with Brownell. Not only does he have a pic of every girl that has ever posed nakid, but can find even the most obscure ones ever and post them. Mister been there -done that.
Who do you think you are sir, the Google of nakid broads?
Lvl 27
For Brownell
Lvl 12
MrDorkButt - That big Afro dude on his avy bugs the shit outta me. Plus he had a decent post in the panel recently that didn't leave me any room to tear into him.
Lvl 28
@EricLindros: I hate the fact you can grow an epic chin strap. Also, I like your car a lot, and I'm jealous of your twin turbos, and 4 wheel drive. Also, I hate the fact you're going to be hella successful in life, you jerk faced ass.

@SP: You beat me in that avatar competition, you jerk, faced jerk.

@Lucy Diamond: Your boyfriends height is just annoying. Also, I dislike the fact you don't post around more often, with as many scantily clad amusing pictures. J.F.J.

^^^^Same for Kanzen.

I'll have more..rage later on.
Scantily clad amusing pictures?? That's my future wife your talking about mister!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Scantily clad amusing pictures?? That's my future wife your talking about mister!

I guess that means you're the reason she used to be cool.
Lvl 37
Wit is the lowest form of humor.
Alexander Pope

Notech, you are a wit! A Fun Forum Mod that does not grasp the humor of the jokes, photos and cartoons posted there. You post images hoping members will explain the humor to you.

A sense of humor is a sign of intelligence. Perhaps one day you can achieve this lofty goal.

Seriously, all could be overlooked except for two issues:

Firstly the continual harassment of a certain Kat person, who shall remain nameless, by posting your anti-catamistic images. For this Sirrah, you are a HISSING and a BYWORD!

The second issue is MOST disturbing. The spawning of Notech Wannabes.

I‘m looking at you 911Porsche and Darklight01