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Sugarpie's Naked Spam

Starter: News_Girl Posted: 15 years ago Views: 11.6K
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Lvl 25
I'm going to bed, deleting shit-loads of reposts, copyrighted,, and /b/ stuff took a lot out of me.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Kanzen

I'm going to bed, deleting shit-loads of reposts, copyrighted,, and /b/ stuff took a lot out of me.

Glad I could give you something to do this evening
Lvl 13
ok the second is do you have to have your hair just right all the time

@kanzen nite old timer we know you cant hang. a little work pushing buttons and you are wore out we see how it is
Lvl 24
Originally posted by sugarpie26


Sadly no, but then again the odds were only 50-50.

Oh, hmm... drink more? And then spin around?
Lvl 22
Originally posted by sugarpie26


Sadly no, but then again the odds were only 50-50.

@ Tequila - Maybe I'm your spoof . And to answer question one...not really, maybe if I had a fast car, but my nissan sentra doesn't cut it.

srsly ,what year is your sentra?

'89 by any chance?

I need a computer for one SRSLY!
Lvl 13
hey bangs how it hanging

@notech if you have a 89 you will need more than a computer
Lvl 6
Originally posted by tequila64

ok the second is do you have to have your hair just right all the time

@kanzen nite old timer we know you cant hang. a little work pushing buttons and you are wore out we see how it is

. Most of the time yes. Unless I'm going to the gym or a run, then it's just in a ponytail.

@'s a 2002 or 03
Lvl 24
Originally posted by tequila64

hey bangs how it hanging

@notech if you have a 89 you will need more than a computer

Alright, how about you?
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Bangledesh


Oh, hmm... drink more? And then spin around?

I should change my status...I'm at home now, so the odds are pretty slim now.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by tequila64

@notech if you have a 89 you will need more than a computer

No that's all I need to make a customer very,very happy

@S.P. no worky
Lvl 13
@ bangs great but i got a cold it sucks real bad

@sugarpie very nice to meat you it is good to see we have more lady's here in the spam room ill have to watch my typing

@notech but if it is a 89 sir you will need to start changing parts at the front bumper and don't stop till you get to the back bumper
Lvl 27
I should change my status also, I wanna be rich...
Lvl 24
Originally posted by sugarpie26


I should change my status...I'm at home now, so the odds are pretty slim now.

Lvl 13
sp what are we drinking tonite?
Lvl 24
I think my 360 is broken...

It freezes constantly now.
Lvl 22
@ tequila...already done
Lvl 6
Originally posted by tequila64

@ bangs great but i got a cold it sucks real bad

@sugarpie very nice to meat you it is good to see we have more lady's here in the spam room ill have to watch my typing

@notech but if it is a 89 sir you will need to start changing parts at the front bumper and don't stop till you get to the back bumper

I guess I passed the test? Thanks for the welcome, and don't worry about watching your typing...I've heard (pretty much) it all.
Lvl 13
clean it
Lvl 6
Originally posted by tequila64

sp what are we drinking tonite?

I WAS drinking vodka cran....but now I'm drinking water

Lvl 13
what else tequila and orange juice

and why did we stop im the party can start
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