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Still's tutorials

Starter: Still Posted: 17 years ago Views: 247
Lvl 11
I have had a few requests to post up some tutorials for my photoshop work and my appleScripts. so i have been working on my own site. i made my own site because I can format it a bit better than the options I am limited to here. At this time I only have on AppleScript tutorial in there. I hope to be adding 3 tutorials per week. Since appleScript is basiclly software i decided to post here first.

Feel free to commment on the site in general, slam me on mistakes in spelling and grammer, and suggest improvement.

feel free to compliment me and worship me in general too.

wanna check it out....
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 26
I dont have a Mac but very nice work. I've been wanting to learn more stuff with PS also. When I have more time I'll check the site out further. Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY

You misspelled "feel" in your post
Lvl 11
thanks for the bithday greeting

corrected, thanks, smart ass.

thanks for any feedback you can offer
Lvl 26
Your welcome

Your welcome.... again

No problem.