Illegals do not help. If the companies that hire illegals were forced to pay minimum wage and file all the taxes that go along with it then many Americans would take the jobs. However these companies are not paying enough for most people to be able to live off of once taxes, house payments/rent, auto insurance and travel expenses are paid for. This country needs to seriously look at itself in the mirror and decide what to do.Quote:
Originally posted by 3holein1
Illegals are not the problem. I don't know any American that wants to clean toilets or pick tomatoes in a field. They simply aren't taking jobs away because they are jobs are ones that no one wants. A far bigger problem is off-shore and visa hires by corporations. Those quality jobs are takin away from citizens and are a far bigger problem hat truly effect more people. Companies are able to offset costs by lowering hi tech jobs in order to make larger bonuses and profits.
Unfortunately the govt.s answer of taxing the wealthier to support the impoverished does not work, as the wealthy simply pass the buck on to someone lower in the economic ladder. You tax a corporation more they increase the price of their product and cut labor to maintain their profits.