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Some thoughts about Socialism

Starter: DEMO Posted: 12 years ago Views: 7.4K
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Lvl 19
Originally posted by 3holein1

Illegals are not the problem. I don't know any American that wants to clean toilets or pick tomatoes in a field. They simply aren't taking jobs away because they are jobs are ones that no one wants. A far bigger problem is off-shore and visa hires by corporations. Those quality jobs are takin away from citizens and are a far bigger problem hat truly effect more people. Companies are able to offset costs by lowering hi tech jobs in order to make larger bonuses and profits.
Illegals do not help. If the companies that hire illegals were forced to pay minimum wage and file all the taxes that go along with it then many Americans would take the jobs. However these companies are not paying enough for most people to be able to live off of once taxes, house payments/rent, auto insurance and travel expenses are paid for. This country needs to seriously look at itself in the mirror and decide what to do.
Unfortunately the govt.s answer of taxing the wealthier to support the impoverished does not work, as the wealthy simply pass the buck on to someone lower in the economic ladder. You tax a corporation more they increase the price of their product and cut labor to maintain their profits.
Lvl 12
OBAMA 2012! That's all I'll say.
Lvl 19
And no F.D.R. you can not create wealth by dividing it. All you can do is redistribute the wealth that exists so that no one has wealth but most have equality. Also money is no more concrete then the grades one would receive in a class. Money, that stuff in your wallet is just paper, the value of which changes with the sway of govt. and the economy, so you may have that piece of paper in your wallet and it be worth nothing. When we left the gold standard and the value of the dollar became dependent of the status of the market money became an immaterial thing. If the market was to completely crash as it did in 1929 then your paper would be worth nothing, you would still have the paper but no wealth, other then what you could barter for with paper.
Lvl 19
With Social Security, everyone gets the same benefit. That is not socialsim. Ditto Medicare.
As for the original post, I didn't figure it was a true story. It's kind of a parable, that makes some very valid points. If you disagree, I'd be all ears if you had some substance, rather than just tossing out water cooler talk, like "it's just republican talking points."

Originally posted by moss


...and yet another part of our problem. Can't see things as they are??
Lvl 14
very well said!!!!
Lvl 26
Illegals are not the problem. I don't know any American that wants to clean toilets or pick tomatoes in a field. They simply aren't taking jobs away because they are jobs are ones that no one wants. A far bigger problem is off-shore and visa hires by corporations. Those quality jobs are takin away from citizens and are a far bigger problem hat truly effect more people. Companies are able to offset costs by lowering hi tech jobs in order to make larger bonuses and profits.
[/replyIllegals ARE the problem!!You obviously have NOT done your homework before speaking.]Funny that you didnt want to talk about the prison facts that I shared either...
Lvl 13
There are already some very well written and well supported explanations of the original post's dubious source, so I won't start on a long rant. My background: University degree in economics, 15 years in financial services (derivatives trading and brokerage), and currently a CFA candidate. My point: whenever someone, usually a politician, starts ringing alarm bells about the dangers of Socialism, they usually don't have a clue what they're talking about. Mostly they're talking about Marxism (and no, I don't mean Groucho, but state-ownership of the factors of production). What most people with left-of-center political views really want is just independently enforced ground rules to make sure that REAL competition in the marketplace can exist. The exponentially increasing influence of money on the political process really just equates to bribing the referee. By that measure, Obama, who raised an overwhelming amount of money in the last election cycle, is nobody's idea of a Socialist.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by F1098

( Now get your nose outta my butt...)

Ah hell darlin', you just might like the way my beard tickles.

...and don't ever think my harassment in one thread leads to anything less than respect everywhere else. K?
Lvl 19
well, I'm just sayin', many things have been really fucked up by people with university degrees in anything and everything. We're all aware of what socialism is, as well as the fact that it has never worked.
Hell, basic common sense will tell you that, as far back as the stone age, the guy who was the best hunter would, as a result, have the best tools, the most firewood, pretty much the best of everything.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by BillK

well, I'm just sayin', many things have been really fucked up by people with university degrees in anything and everything.

Greed is a common trait in this and many cultures. Intelligence does not always undo or negate this primal characteristic.

Originally posted by BillK

We're all aware of what socialism is,

No, clearly you do not. You might think you do, but you don’t. Every time you have posted in any thread, news item, or comment has been completely and utterly wrong. Almost as if you are the antithesis of reality. It is baffling at the consistency of your inaccuracies.

Originally posted by BillK

as well as the fact that it has never worked.

What about Canada’s health care system? Or Japan’s? Sweden’s? France’s? Australia’s? Germany’s? Norway’s? Denmark’s? Finland’s? Or even the UK?

Originally posted by BillK

Hell, basic common sense will tell you that, as far back as the stone age, the guy who was the best hunter would, as a result, have the best tools, the most firewood, pretty much the best of everything.

Except the fact that the Best Hunter was not the product of his tools but the product of his intuition and skill. I could give you the best tools on the planet but you wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing with them. And no, the best hunter usually would only hunt and then share his food with his group. If you had bothered to read up on things would would of known that the result of their work was shared in their respective tribes. Or do you think they consumed it all and left the mothers and children to fight for their own survival? Do you think teamwork is some sort of new revelation in society?

Now begone you nitwit. You have nothing of value to add to the discussion. Hell, you can barely read or write from the seems of it.
You didn't need to change the paint comment Frank, that was hilarious
Lvl 19
Please keep posting those beautful pictures of women, BillK. They are lovely.

Originally posted by BillK

well, I'm just sayin', many things have been really fucked up by people with university degrees in anything and everything. We're all aware of what socialism is, as well as the fact that it has never worked.
Hell, basic common sense will tell you that, as far back as the stone age, the guy who was the best hunter would, as a result, have the best tools, the most firewood, pretty much the best of everything.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by BillK

well, I'm just sayin', many things have been really fucked up by people with university degrees in anything and everything. We're all aware of what socialism is, as well as the fact that it has never worked.
Hell, basic common sense will tell you that, as far back as the stone age, the guy who was the best hunter would, as a result, have the best tools, the most firewood, pretty much the best of everything.

Even on your own terms, this isn't correct. The basic point of the 'parable', using grades as a metaphor for wages for either individual or collective output is overwhelming flawed. It's not like the professor has a limited resource of grades. Even if he 'pays' a deserving student with an A, it doesn't leave him with less to give to other learner-workers, and eventually force him to limit his overall payroll with nothing but the best learners. Nor are the students aren't in competition with each other to produce the best output the way a hunter-gatherer would in your analogy.
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