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So, I Have a Question...

Starter: Mrs.W...Hood Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.0K
Lvl 7
My umm, friend...old friendy friend from,, had her pics posted here awhile back.

(Note: That is not her)

Like, she was totally all "whateves, I don't even care if you post thousands of my pictures on a website" then she like, never even really bothered to check out if anyone liked them.

Well, then randomly the other day she decided "oh hey, I wonder if those dudes are digin mah pics?" so she comes on to the site, and not only are said pics universally hated by everyone, it turns out it had been an on going controversy for the better part of a year.

Imagine my..her surprise when she seen that. She called me up on the...internet or whatever and was like "OMG, I think a buncha internet guys don't like my pics." so I ate a whole bucket of ice cream, I mean she ate it, while we talked..about her.

Her pics.

So, after our long discussion, I have co...we have come to the conclusion you're all a bunch of poofster dandies.

Getting all up in each others butts with your penises and stuff.

She said there is this gay couple that really hate her, Brownell and Kanzen have this, love affair/eternal bond that lets them have each others back, IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE..forever.

Also, Honda, Lindros and're all poofsters. I bet the collars you pop are ON PINK SHIRTS! PUT THAT IN YOUR ASSHOLE AND FUCK IT!


* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 7
i smell a spoof.
Lvl 28
It's really more of a light fuchsia.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by SinisterSquirel

i smell a spoof.

I smell squirrel droppings.

Oh wait, that's me.
Lvl 12
Lvl 28
Man, some's just the little things that crack you up.

Lvl 21
im sicka seeing that braud too
Lvl 6
Post mu hott chick!!
Lvl 11
Sorta sounds familiar.... but I can't put my finger on it.... Naa, probably just a coincidence anyway.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Mrs.W...Hood

She said there is this gay couple that really hate her, Brownell and Kanzen have this, love affair/eternal bond that lets them have each others back, IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE..forever.

Well I'll be hornswoggled!

That explains all those cryptic notes they leave on each others office desks.
Lvl 4
I sense WBW Drama........


a spoof
Lvl 19
Thanks for the laughing reminder of just how funny that guy was. Just like I said at the time, he is like the guy who walks out of the bathroom with a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe.

He is followed by laughter as he walks around the party thinking he is quite the number. Poor fool. Too bad he had such a bad attitude and his idea of beauty looked like still photos from some kind of horror movie.

Lvl 18
It's too bad people couldn't just leave the guy alone to post his damn pics. It never would've been such a problem if people weren't such assholes about it. Yeah, I'm lookin at you 888SPO but not you alone obviously.

If everybody didn't feel the need to taunt the guy constantly and repetitively make the same comments over and over again than it never would've escalated the way it did.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by J-Swiss

It's too bad people couldn't just leave the guy alone to post his damn pics. It never would've been such a problem if people weren't such assholes about it. Yeah, I'm lookin at you 888SPO but not you alone obviously.

If everybody didn't feel the need to taunt the guy constantly and repetitively make the same comments over and over again than it never would've escalated the way it did.

Repetitive comments reflected the repetitive pictures. Were you truly surprised at the very broad based response ?
And don't you remember the kerfuffle about someone hacking his thread here in the forum ? Strange, strange...

Unlike everyone else, he had no sense of humor about his consistent "one point something" average running score. Unfortunately he took to sending threatening PM's to (actually) quite a few people here. I have never heard of such a thing and it is unlikely that it had ever happened before.

This is a nice and peaceful site. But when some clown starts threatening the crowd because they don't agree, well....the mods did their duty. And the former member probably still hasn't seen the paper on his shoe.

Some people never get it.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by 888SPO

Unlike everyone else, he had no sense of humor about his consistent "one point something" average running score.

No, actually singling out uploads by a particular member and spoof voting "1" on their entire gallery is a pretty shitty and childish thing to do. Some members actually make an effort to contribute ... not that you'd know anything about that though.

Originally posted by 888SPO
Unfortunately he took to sending threatening PM's to (actually) quite a few people here. I have never heard of such a thing and it is unlikely that it had ever happened before.

Don't act like you weren't an equal participant in it, and if you think this is the first time a public feud has spilled over into PM wars, you're badly mistaken.

Originally posted by 888SPO
This is a nice and peaceful site. But when some clown starts threatening the crowd because they don't agree, well....the mods did their duty. And the former member probably still hasn't seen the paper on his shoe.

Who "started it" and who's the bigger "clown" here is debatable I seem to recall you having a little involuntary vacation of your own after the "mod did there duty", and asked you to stop trolling, and you failed to comply, so while you're chuckle about the paper stuck to someone's else's shoe, you've failed to notice the egg on your own face.

I don't have much appreciation for male members that try to portray themselves as females..... that seems a bit clownish also....
Lvl 28
This thread is nothing but tom foolery a flibbertyjibbit.