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Starter: Mr.Poop Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.8K
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Lvl 21
Originally posted by Swiss407


Really? Wonder why I can get them for $20 a carton (10 packs) from Australia online then. Doesn't seem to make sense.


Any tips? I gotta quit soon. Either that or take out a loan to keep smoking. Stupid fuckin government.
I went to the DR. and got a prescription for chantix took them for a month and no more smoking.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by waywardson

...I went to the DR. and got a prescription for chantix took them for a month and no more smoking.

I considered that route but then - $35.00 to see the doctor and another $75.00 for the meds. sort of defeated the purpose for me.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by EricLindros


I stand up for those rights. See my comments earlier in the thread about how my feeling that the "sin taxes" are complete bullshit. And you can bet, at some point or another, if the federal government becomes more heavily involved in healthcare there WILL be taxes/restrictions/banning of foods that are deemed bad for you.

We are headed toward life under the leviathan.

we are already there its just going to get worse

*hugs his scotch on the rocks*
Lvl 15
Originally posted by BillK

You know there's a new Fed tax going in to effect in April. I've been doing "MYO," (make your own), and, with the tax increase coming, the price of a pound of tobacco is going to more than double. Last pound I bought cost me $17.99. The increase is more than $24. That's right, it's not going up to $24. It's an INCREASE of $24!
(I seem to recall some crap about NO tax increases for anyone making less than $250,000...)

that was no increase on your wages
last time i checked you don't have to smoke
i suggest you quit smoking before you start taxing the heath care system
Lvl 16
I assume that all of you saying smokers increase healthcare costs for everyone as a way of excusing high taxes on tobacco won't mind the new taxes on fatty foods, porn, alcohol, excessive calories in meals at restaurants, etc that increase the prices of those items by 200-800%. It is the same thing. No complaining when it happens. And then there are all of the other new regulations that are bound to happen. Seat belts, then air bags, so on and so on.

You are trading your freedom for the promise of things to come. But when has a politicians promise ever been worth anything?

As to the question at hand. I smoke Dorals and they are around $32-35 according to where I go. Marlboros start around $40. I was paying $18 a carton just 6 months ago.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by rocknthefreeworld

I assume that all of you saying smokers increase healthcare costs for everyone as a way of excusing high taxes on tobacco won't mind the new taxes on fatty foods, porn, alcohol, excessive calories in meals at restaurants, etc that increase the prices of those items by 200-800%. It is the same thing. No complaining when it happens. And then there are all of the other new regulations that are bound to happen. Seat belts, then air bags, so on and so on.

You are trading your freedom for the promise of things to come. But when has a politicians promise ever been worth anything?

As to the question at hand. I smoke Dorals and they are around $32-35 according to where I go. Marlboros start around $40. I was paying $18 a carton just 6 months ago.

I agree... but it isn't freedom for things to come, it's people saying that other people don't have the right to decide what's best for them and forcing them to do otherwise. It's like me saying that I hate steak and the trying to ban it through law (which isn't too far off from happening). See, the problem is that there is no pay-off; it's just people getting off on telling other people they can't do something not because of morality, but because of some strange personal preference. But, deny a smoker their cigarettes... problems are assured.
Lvl 16
I have said this forever. Both sides want to ban things to save you from yourself, but each opposes the other based solely on the reason. Look at porn. In the US, the conservatives want it banned for moral reasons and the liberal want to ban it because it degrades women or leads to sexual crimes. Same result, different reasoning. And neither is right.
Lvl 18
Yeah, so long as it isn't hurting anyone else directly, what the hell is the problem? Same with smoking... but I've always thought 2nd hand smoke was crap.
Lvl 8
The problem is that smokers hurt EVERYONE... even if it's not their second hand smoke. I love our COPD'ers or people with horrible emphysema that are frequent fliers at the hospital. They come in short of breath on a monthly basis... multiply that by the 5-10 years they end up living that miserable existence... and multiply THAT times the number of people who smoke... trust me, no matter how much they tax smokers, its never going to be enough to cover what it costs to take care of them when their habit catches up with them. I love my job and have plenty of sympathy for my patients... however, these people get none. Especially the ones that leave the hospital AMA (against medical advice), don't pay their bill... and end up back in worse condition within a day or two.

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