Originally posted by EricLindros
I suggest going as a female gangster, replete with fedora hat. Not only is it cool, but so long as you do it right, you can refer to your boobies as "guns" and make like 13819 puns.
I like it.
Originally posted by EricLindros
Oh man, I like to rock theme costumes, get a couple of bros, maybe a fembro and go as like, a group. I've done this many times and it's always a laugh. Although I take Halloween costume shenanigans to be srs biz.
It's fun doing stuff that people don't really do often, like this year I was considering going as the cast of Shutter Island. Me, as Teddy, bro as his little fat friend, fembro as the wife that gets shot, complete with blood and jazz. On the fence though. I do have a fedora...but I can't really pull it off. I dunno....THE FENCE.
The gangster idea sounds cool, if you go moderately sexy, guys will be all "damn, dat chick is sum sexy" whereas if you kinda, gun it to 88 with the whore appeal, bros will be like "damn, dat chick is a hoe".
Yeah, that's hot...that's hot.