Score: 4.41 Votes: 29
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Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 23.3K
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Lvl 27
simple, with a nice font 9/10
Lvl 6
a 9 for the tree seeing as it is kinda christmas and all
Lvl 6
Haha! Nice one. 8 points.
Lvl 59
OVER 9000!
Lvl 16
Lvl 27
still no candle... still 9 3/4!
Lvl 11
Reminds me of what muad would look like in real life. Yes even with the santa hat.

Lvl 27
because my buddy is a tiger: 10/10
Lvl 11
6 all streched out. maybe I dont know the story
Lvl 27
They just don't get much better, perfect font, background is gorgeous, and of course the customary feather 10/10
Lvl 27
4/10 because you missed the end of christmas, 5/10 because I like the idea of the flashing three...

ok ok... it's 9/10 in total **
Usually has naked beauties next to it and looks pretty cool, 9.5/10
Lvl 27
^his avy is a real cute girl... 9,6/10

(...but looks a bit milfish... )
Lvl 13
not a dune fan so 7/10
Lvl 7
For years I never wanted to see Shrek, then saw the first one with my ex a year ago or so and Damn it was funny as hell.

I give it a 9/10
Lvl 27
Interesting use of an x-ray, i like it, just wish it were personalized and bigger, so I'll give it a 6/10
Lvl 15
Artistic, complex, and hot as HELL Babe!
(no pun intended)
Lvl 11

Love the colorfulness of it. Needs to be a tad bigger though.
Lvl 24
pretty sweet avy, i prefer fonts to be more bold so they stand out more

but i like the way it kind of looks like its tattoo'd on her stomach.

Lvl 16
Even though it's no longer christmas, I still think a hot anime. 8/10
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