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R.I.P. Notech

Starter: azdesertrat Posted: 8 years ago Views: 3.7K
Lvl 22
He died last saturday. Rest In Peace my friend
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 29
Oh no.. really?? RIP Notech..
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
thats not good news. RIP No Tech
Been here for 8 years but on this earth much longer
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 22
his daughter put it up on facebook today
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
May he rest in peace.. we will miss this guy!!!
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 71
RIP Notech
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 80
Very sad to hear of Notech's death. He seemed like a decent guy, one who left the world better than it was before he was here.

Rest in peace.
[Deleted], F1098, robert98597 find this awesome.
Lvl 23
Very sad news. May he rest in peace.
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
This is sad. So long Notech. My you spend eternity cuddled by ample bosoms and vagines.
[Deleted], robert98597 find this awesome.
Lvl 27
RIP Notech_The_Abbot you brought laughter to me many times , you will be missed my friend
[Deleted], robert98597 find this awesome.
Lvl 19
We liked that guy a lot. Quite mellow and fun. Several years ago he was planning to visit our zip code and asked if he could stop by with his lady friend and say hello, which I thought was very sweet.

It never happened which we regret. Very sad that he has passed.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
RIP Notech. For a fun remembrance, go to his favorites and watch the evolution of Notech's favorites.
Lvl 27
Rest in Peace Notech, he was an entertaining fellow.
Lvl 40
Harsh reality flash that we are just visitors. RIP. Remember the good times we all had with him.
Lvl 18
RIP NoTech
Lvl 59
In remembrance, one last time:

It was poop!
F1098, DEMO find this awesome.
Lvl 28
An original member of "The B Team" we tried to meet up a couple times and never could make it happen

A cool cat in a hot house, for sure

RIP, Friend
Lvl 27
So sorry to hear about the loss. NoTech was the first and only person I friended on the site. I will raise a glass and make a toast. Best wishes to all those he left behind.
we stop being human when we do not care.
may you be in peace, friends who departed.
captnenglish finds this awesome.
Lvl 40
RIP Notech - We had some good message laughs over the years.